Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Mt.Fuji (third time in this year)

Mt. Fuji called me again today!?
The weatherforecast said it would rain, but I could enjoy the fine weather,although a little bit windy.
My legs were not in good condition, but I could confirm the race course (where I should pace up or down).

Umagaeshi, 0合目 In the race trail part begins from this point.

The second Torii. If you can see this, the top is just before your eyes!

There is a shrine on the top of Mt.Fuji.
Today's another target is the famous onsen,"Nomekoinoyu"

After passing the suspension bridge, you can reach the onsen.

You can enjoy not only the onsen but eating Soba there if not sold out.

Today's training: 20km (Mt. Fuji Umagaeshi~top)
Monthly mileage for July 161km(target 250km)

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