Sunday, March 17, 2013

getting better

13: skiing in Okuone I entered mogul schools. 外向外傾が基本、まずはひとつひとつのこぶの手前でスピードコントロール、ターンのきっかけをコブの背の少し手前でつかみ、次のコブに向かって、手を広げ方のラインを向ける。 かぶりすぎて手がさがり、コブで潰されないように。上体を肩、骨盤の四角形を立ててキープ。 16:skiing in Kagura with a friends. I have still pain in my right legs. Ijogged very slowly... Today's training:23km jog

Tuesday, March 12, 2013

after Tokyo marathon

3:05:45 I couldn't run within three hours... Ihave train harder than before...but Igot injured while skiing. I am now doing reha. but...Iwill go skiing tomorrow! today's training: 9km jog monthly mileage for March