Friday, November 16, 2007

Bad day or Good day?

Cold wind took my running motivation, but it was also the best situation to try my new windbreaker!!!

Yesterday a twenty seventh years old young man fell down with ventricular fibrillation "Vf" while playing football with his friends at a gymnasium. Immediately one of his friends started CPR and the other brought an AED and delivered shock two times and got the recovery of spontaneous circulation.
Soon after the emergency medical service "EMS" arrived and dispatched him to our hospital. while dispatch, he fell down several times and was delivered three times shock by EMS.
Finally his cardiac rhythm was Vf on arrival,so we continued to deliver DC (total was four times) and give several drugs for arrhythmia. At last we got his stability and he had no neurological deficit!!!
We could talk with him about his friends ,fiance and so on.
Great by standers, great EMS staffs and great our ER team!!? It was a GOOD day!

Today's training: 15km slow jog
Monthly mileage for November: 96km

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