Saturday, May 8, 2010

Season for trailrun

After I went to ski last week, I waxed my skies and change the tires from snow ones to normal ones.
The season for trailrun has begun in my mind.
I went trailrunning with Mr.G from Takao St. to Mt. Jinba. There were so many hikers and trailrunner, but sunshine, breeze, shade of trees and many slopes are all comfortable for us!

Mr. G has big foot! The biggest of all that I have ever seen.

Powerful trail-climber!

We ate 柚子sherbet on the top of Mt. Jinba.
Today's training: 23km trailrun & 3km warm up,4km cool down
Monthly mileage for May: 103km


Unknown said...

Great Run. Really excellent, thanks. G

ER runner said...

Thank you! Let's run together again!