Sunday, October 19, 2008

BBQ party

We had a barbecue with my friend's family of the highschool.
I and he went the same elementary school, the same junior highschool, the same senior highschool and the same university!
We have two children with each other so the children could play together.

It was cool and nice day for outdoors. At 晴海ふ頭公園。
Today's training: 7km walk in the morning & 8km run at night
Monthly mileage for Octorber: 148km(monthly target 300km)


Gary Fruland said...

I am interested in running the Mt. Fuji Race. I live in Newark, Illinois U.S.A. It is 100 kilometers southwest of Chicago. In February of 2008, I ran the Tokyo Marathon and loved it. I am 54 years old and lived for 13 months in Iwakuni, Japan in the U.S. Marines in 1974 to 1975. Kindest Regards to you and your family.

ER runner said...

Thank you for your comment. In Mt. Fuji Race there are two kinds of race, one is from bottom to the top(about 21km,climbing up 3000 meters ) and the other is half of it.