I feel tired when I woke up, but today was the last day of this year I could run.(I'm on the night duty tomorrow.) I decided that my last training menu was LSD and run through my favorite course "Hanakoganei-Tamako-Sayamako"
It was so called "Hashiri-Osame"?
In this year there were too many things that I never expected.
I appreciate all what I was given. And....
I regret a lot of my failure and many things that I did on my way.
Very sorry and please go aroud with me in the next year too.
Today's training: 38km LSD
Monthly mileage for December 150km
Sunday, December 30, 2007
LSD in Sayamako
running course
Saturday, December 29, 2007
I woke up at 4:00 and went skiing with my staff to Kandatu where we can do Sunrise skiing. From 7:00 to 11:30 we skied very hardly so I had some muscle pain in both thighs.
Now I am writing New Year's Greetings. It takes much time...getting sleepy...
Today's training: ski & 6km jog
Monthly mileage for December 112km
New Year Greetings,
Friday, December 28, 2007
At last I could "run" again, not jog.
When I was running as a kind of pace run,one runner talked to me while waiting a signal to change. Of course we have never spoken with each other, but have seen many times while running. He was belonged to Tama Racing Circle.
Today's training: 15km run
Monthly mileage for December 106km
Thursday, December 27, 2007
got drunk
In yesterday's farewell party we drunk much of beer and wine, I was still sick today. I promise again I'll not drink a few days?
Yesterday's training: 8km jog
Monthly mileage for December 91km
fairwell party
Monday, December 24, 2007
Rehabilitation is going
I decided to run as LSD but couldn't run more than 16km.
My body is still heavier and stamina is weaker than before so it's necessary to get rehabilitation. (And there was a muscle pain of yesterday's skiing.)
Christmas Eve with Santa Rabbit
Today's training: 16km jogging
Monthly mileage for December: 83km
Christmas Eve,
Sunday, December 23, 2007
We(my older daughter and I) went skiing for the first time in this year.Although it was raining in the morning, it was getting fine at noon. This year there is much snow than last year,so we can enjoy skiing much more in this year.
After going skiing, I let the hematoma punctured so the tension of the skin got much looser.
Today's training: skiing?
Saturday, December 22, 2007
clean up
Soon New Year's Eve will come. Today is "the clean up day".
Although a house cleaning is one of the tiresome thing but if we regard it as a kind of training, it become a pleasant work.
Today's training: 6km run and house cleaning!
Monthly mileage for December: 67km
Friday, December 21, 2007
Yes! I run today!
I was very thanksful that I could run.
But, I felt me heavier than I used to be. My body has changed.
Weight: 54kg →58kg
Waist : 70cm →78cm
I'm afraid it will take a long time to be able to run as before.
Today's training: 10km jog
Monthly mileage for December 61km
weight gain
Thursday, December 20, 2007
blue sky and blue hip
Maybe I'm a champion of the most bluish hip in Japan!
It was fine today and the blue sky tempted me to run. The time has come when I could run again!!!
my memorial shot(sorry again for ugly photo)
Today's training: 6km jog(almost walking)
Tuesday, December 18, 2007
I was off for 9days. I'm afraid I can't run for more few days. My subcutaneous hemorrhage is descending and now reached to the right thigh. Pain is getting better but still here and there.]
Anyway I have to make a lecture about Triage on this Friday and have not yet finished the preparation. So in either case I have no time to run.
One point lecture" triage"
Triage is the process of rapidly and accurately evaluating patients to determine the extent of their injuries and the appropriate level of medical care required.
Priority is placed on providing care to victims most likely to survive; victims with such severe injuries that they are unlikely to survive are given low priority because they consume a disproportionate share of resources.
The most popular method is START(Simple Triage and Rapid Treatment).
START is an assessment of ambulation, respiration, perfusion, and mental status in a stepwise fashion to determine which victims require immediate transport for definitive care. START is easy to apply and designed for mass casualty incidents when time for comprehensive evaluation is nonexistent.
The system uses color-coded tags to identify patients and to designate their triage category: black is dead, red is critical, yellow is serious, green is not serious.
Anyway I want to run again.....
Saturday, December 15, 2007
Wednesday, December 12, 2007
From today I began to be able to work. I have to apologize to my hospital staffs. Very sorry for my making a mess....
My condition was getting better and better but on the other hand the hematoma on my back was getting bigger and bigger.
sorry for unpleasant photo
"Off" day continues.
Tuesday, December 11, 2007
ADL almost full
I was absent from job for two days. Because I was getting better and could walk around, my motive for running come out again. I have just applied to the Asahi Sakura Kenko Marathon(42.195km) held on 30th March. My target for this race is "sub three" to finish the race within three hours! But, I wonder when I'll be able to run again....
next target
Monday, December 10, 2007
Off course, off
I'm in my house all day long. With self examination,reflecting on my past conduct.
But,.....I can't give up mountaineering race.
Mitake-san trail run: 15km
monthly mileage for December 45m
Mitake-san Trail run, got injured...
Recently trail run has become popular and there was over 900 entries to this race.
And this race in the last year was the first mountaineering race that I participated. I wanted to see the different "me" from that of last year.
As soon as the start I paced up,and kept high pace. Most of the first half is upslope, and then we dashed the latter downslope. To tell the truth, I had been getting much more confidence in downslope in comparison to last year. I paced up more and passed a few runners!!
In the steep downslope a root of a tree caught my foot, and fell down(just like "dive into the bottom world"). I was hit upper the right edge of pelvis. For a while I couldn't move from there,but shortly I could begin to walk and then jog slowly. Many runners passed me and saying " You fell down? Are you alright?" and I replied "I'm fine,thank you" but in my heart I shouted "never alright,couldn't regret more...butu-butu-butu-butu".I wonder whether I should continue the race or not, but there may be last 3km left so I kept running(jogging) and could reach the goal.
A tragedy came after that. My back pain got worse and worse. The pain was like that of burn or something like electric. Maybe the hematoma became bigger and the mass compressed the nerve. Finally, from the cable car station I couldn't walk any more(couldn't keep standing). The station staff carried me on his back and took me into my car. My wife drove the car and took me to my hospital. No fracture, and great hematoma on my right back. I was laughingstock in my hospital. I learned a new thing. A bruise can make a terrible pain derived from acute nerve compression and skin expansion.
great appreciation to my wife,my daughters,station staffs and hospital staffs.
Mitake-san Trail run, everything is ready!!
Yesterday Mitake-san trail run was held. It was only 15km, so-called a splint mountaineering race. My cold had got well and according the weather forecast it'll be very fine. Best situation for the race (except my short of training...).
After taking the Mitake cable car, we stayed Kuraya.
Although it rained and hailed much the previous night instead of the forecast, I could see the wonderful red sky, a mourning glow while mourning walking.
trail run
Saturday, December 8, 2007
Thursday, December 6, 2007
Running is better than Resting to make your condition good
I have been feeling a little bad in these days. I wonder the bad feeling come from being absent from running for several days rather than having a cold. So I started to run from today.
Today's training: 8km jog&run(6km race pace)
monthly mileage for December 30km
Wednesday, December 5, 2007
Tuesday, December 4, 2007
Cold again
Cold is rampant in these days. One of our staffs was absent from job and I felt a little chilly today. I'm afraid I had caught a cold again, but I will deny such a situation. On this month I never catch a cold, never......
Christmas in the restroom of my house
Monday, December 3, 2007
Christmas is coming soon
Christmas is coming soon. This year I can avoid a night duty on Christmas and Eve so I will be able to be a Santa crows!
we decorated our house for Christmas.
Today's training: 14km jog&run(8km in the morning and 6km at night)
monthly mileage for December 24km
Sunday, December 2, 2007
The Last month of 2007
At last month my cold hadn't got well clearly. It was a kind of "a chronic cold"? So this month I will care of my health much more, to put it concretely, not to wear too may clothes, to have enough gargle, to keep warm after running and so on.
Christmas season has already come to Shinjyuku.
The illumination was fantastic but it was too crowded.
Today's training: 10km run(in latter part I did some interval training.)
monthly mileage for December 10km