It took two days to sober up fully... Today I'm in the hospital all over the night on job.
Today's training: off
Wednesday, October 31, 2007
Tuesday, October 30, 2007
get drunk
In yesterday's farewell party we drunk much of beer and wine, I was still sick today. I couldn't run at all today. In the evening I had sobered up at last. I promise I'll not drink a few days.
Today's training: off
Monday, October 29, 2007
A farewell party
Tonight a farewell party'll be held.One of our ICU staff will resign his post and will work in another hospital.
Today's training: 15km slow jog
farewell party,
Disney Sea
I'm on night duty today. I'll write about our journey to the Disney (stormy) Sea tomorrow.
Yesterday's training: walking all the day(in the Disney Sea)
Today's training: Off(28th)
Saturday 27 October
I went to the Disney Sea with my older daughter as a hospital journey. From in the mourning it was raining and about at noon it began to rain cats and dogs,stormy day! So it was so empty that we could enter the most of amusements without waiting.
We could enjoy fully from 8:00am to 8:00pm.
Disney sea,
Friday, October 26, 2007
Tomorrow I'll go to the Disney Sea with my older daughter.I'm afraid it'll rain, but we'll prepare for the cold rainy day perfectly and surely enjoy fully all day long. From now I'll check it on from Internets and decide where to go and see.
Today's training: 2km walk & jog in the morning(it began to rain on my way)
10km run in the evening in the rain
Disney sea,
Thursday, October 25, 2007
A wedding anniversary
Yesterday was our wedding anniversary, but I was in the hospital on the job. So today is the substitute day.
have been married for nine years
Today's training: jog & run 15km
wedding anniversary
Wednesday, October 24, 2007
I'm on night duty today and will work till tomorrow afternoon.
one of a little autumn on the Green Road
Today' training: off
Green road
Tuesday, October 23, 2007
autumn on the Green Road
Till I had finished the presentation and the race, I put off many things. So in this week I have a lot of things to do. Some are tiresome and boring, but I think I had changed a little after the race and I can do everything positively??
Green Road: my running course
total distance is 10km and then you can reach Tama-ko, around that there is also 12km course.
Today's training: 6km slow jog in the mourning
Green road,
running course,
Monday, October 22, 2007
muscle pain
As I thought I had muscle pain here and there. For a few days I will heal my body.
On today's newspaper they reported the accident.We trail runners all regret it, and have to remember when we run around the mountains.
Today' training: 6km walking
muscle pain,
trail run
Sunday, October 21, 2007
I knew the news from internet that 40 years old male runner slipped the valley wall and died at the 45km point near Gozen-Yama.
I pray for the repose of his soul as one companion of runners.
And we have to think about security of trail running ourselves again.
today's training: 8km walking
Japan Moutaineering Race “Hasetune Cup”
I finished the race!!! And felt great satisfaction
The time: 10:14
Finished the race in 51st.(more than 2300 runners entried and 2003 runners started)
Here is my race report.
We could see the blue sky and feel comfortable if we don’t run! It was too fine and the temparture was 24℃. To meet the situation, I took 2.75L of drink and consequently my bag weighed 4.7kg.
The strategy of this time was that in the first half I drink enough and save my stamina and run faster after my bag gets lighter.
The cource condition was not so good because of the yesterday’s rain. It was muddy, foggy and easy to slip. (I slipped and fell more than five times.)
But actually my condition was very good and I realized it after I passed the first chek point(22.6km).
Soon after I passed the first check point, it was getting dark so I put my lamp on. Till the middle stage there were some runner in front and behind me, but between the last 30km, there were few runner around me and it was complete dark. While running, I could find the small light ahead and it came nearer and neaer and then I passed by him. After that the dark came again.
Although I lost the way once,I passed by many runner in the latter half and could finished with a smiling face.
Surely I will be back in the next year! It was one of the best experience that I have ever had.
A photo before start.
Japan Moutaineering Race “Hasetune Cup”
I finished the race. Now I came home and it's 2:30 AM. I'll report the race tomorrow.
A kaki tree with many kakis,moutains behind it were Okutama mountains.
Today's training: 71.5km(mountaineering)
hasetune cup,
Friday, October 19, 2007
The day before the race
Finally, tomorrow is the day of Hasetune cup. According to the weather forecast,the rain will stop by the noon and it'll be warm. So I'm afraid I must keep more water perhaps about 2.5L.
Here is my equipment. It weights about 4Kg
About this time tomorrow, I'll be running at Okutama mountains, maybe just climbing up the Otake mountain.
Today's training: off
hasetune cup,
Thursday, October 18, 2007
Last one days to Hasetune cup
I have just returned from Osaka.My presentation was “botiboti”. Anyway there were only a few days until the race, so to make a good condition I jogged in Osaka even if I had drunk every night. It was difficult to run around Umeda because there were too many people and too much traffic, but it took only a few minutes to go to Nakanoshima-Park beside the Doujima-River and then you can go to the Osaka Castle where there were many runners.
This is the rose garden in Nakanoshima-Park.
The roses were beautiful but there were many people who lives in the park.
This is Osaka-Castle. The first castle was built in 1583 by Hideyoshi Toyotomi but the castle we can see today was reconstructed by Hidetada Tokugawa.
training on 17th: jog 8km
training on 18th: jog 10km
Tuesday, October 16, 2007
Last 4 days to Hasetune cup
I will go to Osaka from Thuesday to Thursday and attend on the Critical Care Congress for making a (small)presentation . So I can't have training enough, but I'll bring my shoes and run a little aroud the city where I have not run yet.
Sunday, October 14, 2007
the latter half of today
Last 6 days to Hasetune cup
The purpose of today' training is to gather mushrooms and to make some soup!
Nooo!! The purpose of today's training is to make a good condition,so don't run too much and also don't let me blunt.
The course is a part of Hasetune cup,from the start to the first check poin(22.6km).
Here, this is my lunch.
Of course mushrooms were bought in the supermarket.Sometimes patients come to our ER complaining of numbness because they eat mushrooms including poison.Be careful!
Today's training: 25km trailrunning
hasetune cup,
Saturday, October 13, 2007
Last 7 days to Hasetune cup
It's 2:00 p.m.past. I returned from my work just now and I'm thinking which is better,sleeping or runnning.
I slept for two hours, and then went to running. Today,the purpose of the running was checking my light that I will use in Hasetune cup. I remade the light from "a head lamp" to "a hand lamp",because when you use head lamp you have to turn your head to the direction where you want to see. To turning your head everytime will take your stamina!
today's training: 8km running with the weight(3.5kg)
hasetune cup,
Friday, October 12, 2007
Thursday, October 11, 2007
Last 9 days to Hasetune cup
I will participate in the Japan moutaineering endurance race,so-called Hasetune cup. It is 71.5km race(within 24 hours) and most of the course is in the moutains of which height is between 1000~1500 meters. The runners are forbidden to get any help(water,food and so on) while runnning.The start is 1:00 PM, so everyone even the top runner has to run in the midnight.
today's training: 6km running with carrying the weight(4.5kg)
hasetune cup
Wednesday, October 10, 2007
My profile2
I will write my profile more.
I have been working in emergency room and intensive care unit for ten years.
The first few years, I worked as a resident so I couldn't have a time to run.
When I was a student, I belonged to ski team. The "ski" was not "normal" ski, it was cross country ski,runnning with ski. So,I have a long blank before began to run.
When runnning again, I can feel as if I were a student again.
For me,to keep running means to be a student (when I was young) again.
From now, in this blog I will write about my traininng and my job.
today's training: jogging and running 15km
my profile 2
Tuesday, October 9, 2007
My profile
My profile:
Two years ago I began to run, and now my favorite sports is trail running.
Why runnnig? The answer is ...
I am 38 years old and decided to stop getting older!
today's training: 15km jogging with carrying the weight(4.5kg)