I will take a rest for a while.
Sunday, March 30, 2008
Sakura Marathon
I participated in Sakura marathon in Chiba Pref.
It was cloudy, not so windy and moderate humid. To sum up, it was the best day for marathon!!
I wish this is the first and last full marathon that I participate in, so my target is under three hours (subthree).
The result was 3:02:07!!! I felt so much mortification. I couldn't regretted more than this.
But this was my own result and I felt my limit in the race (especially at 38km point). So I have to train harder than before and in the next year I will be back in the full-marathon race!
Of course, my main races are trail ran races.
I regretted the result but anyway I can feel satisfaction and relief after every races.
In the latter half of the race I was imaging that I could drink a plenty of beer after the race. This is one of the most favorite beer, Heart Land Beer.!
0~10km lap time 41:41
10~20km lap time 41:05
20km~30km lap time 42:40
30~42.195km lap time 56:39 45:55(10km) ←pace down!!
total 3:02:07
Today's training: 42.195km race & 2km jog
Monthly mileage for March 277km
Saturday, March 29, 2008
The Last day to Sakura marathon ! !
Today's training: 3km dash! & 3km jog
Monthly mileage for March 233km
Friday, March 28, 2008
Last 2 days to Sakura marathon
Thursday, March 27, 2008
Last 3 days to Sakura marathon
I'm under carbo-loading! Rice is good, Bread is good and Senbei is also good!
Today's training: off
Tuesday, March 25, 2008
Last 5 days to Sakura marathon
To make the function of heart and lung endured against hard work, I have to do the speed training. But it's the last one that I like to do. Today I reluctantly? ran in the race pace.
Today's training: 6km race pace(24:06) & 2km jog
Monthly mileage for March 227km
Monday, March 24, 2008
Last 6 days to Sakura marathon
There are only 6 days to Sakura marathon(佐倉マラソン).
Although I still have a pain in my left tigh, it is lighter and lighter. I'm sure I am getting in a good condition. Perhaps this is the last full marathon I'll run, so my target is to finish the race within three hours.
Today's training: 15km jog
Monthly mileage for March 219km
Sunday, March 23, 2008
Spring in Tamagawa-jyousui
Today's goal(return point) was Musashisunagawa station beside the Tamagawa-jyousui. To tell the truth, I planned to wake up at 4 o'clock and go trail running, but I woke up at 8:30.......So I changed the plan and dicided to run along the Tamagawa-jyousui till noon.
Blossoms in front of the Musashisunagawa-station
Spring has already come here and there! It is getting warmer and warmer and the pollen has been decreasing nowadays!(I hope so!)
The buds of cherry blossoms have begun to swell!
The flowers are getting vivid, bright and cheerful.
In the afternoon we went out for the concert which was held in the near junior high school.
They got the gold medal at the national competetion of the brass bands.
Today's training: 27km jog
Monthly mileage for March 204km
Saturday, March 22, 2008
Tuesday, March 18, 2008
pollen allergy
I was in bad condition! I have to fight against the pollen allergy. The fight will have continued for a few weeks.
Today's training: off
Monday, March 17, 2008
Sunday, March 16, 2008
Parting and Meeting
Yesterday A sad thing had happened to me. I lost my favorite jacket while trailing!
This is the one I had to part with!
So after coming home I went out for shopping.
This is the one I have just met.(At a discount!!)
running goods
Saturday, March 15, 2008
Mt.Takao again
From Mt.Takao to Mt.Jinba we can enjoy comfortable trail run.
This time I could enjoy trail running with a friend from US!
I could have a good time but I clearly realized that I had to practice speaking and listening English much more.
It was foggy till we arrived Mt.Jinba.
Just before arriving at Mt.Jinba the blue sky came up!
We can see the Lake Sagami......
Today's training: about 30km trail
Monthly mileage for March 140km
trail run
Friday, March 14, 2008
Tomorrow I will go trail with a American trail runner who I met on this blog. I look forward to meeting and running with him! But I'm afraid I don't speak English very well.
Today's training: off
Wednesday, March 12, 2008
In the new building
I feel myself heavier these days.
Perhaps because we are busy in moving.
I have to make me in good condition by the next race(30ht March).
Today's training: 21km run
Monthly mileage for March 110km
Tuesday, March 11, 2008
Monday, March 10, 2008
Sunday, March 9, 2008
A fire drill
There was a fire drill in my apartment today. Many residents took part in it. I was impressed by their high recognition of disaster.
First Step: How to use AED.
Not only adults but also children listened the lecture seriously.
Second Step: How to use a fire extinguisher.
It is like a water pistol!
Third Step: Let's experience an earthquake!
You can experience "Shindo 7"
Fourth Step: Let's experience being overcome by smoke!
You can't see even 50cm ahead! So you feel the space much wider than the actual situation!
Today's training: 16km run
Monthly mileage for March 89km
Friday, March 7, 2008
Morning run
Running in the dawn! It's getting warmer and spring will have come soon! But before spring I have to put up with the pollinosis(Kahun-syou).
Today's training: 10km run
Monthly mileage for March 73km
Thursday, March 6, 2008
Wednesday, March 5, 2008
Tuesday, March 4, 2008
Monday, March 3, 2008
It's the "Girl's Festival" on March 3.It is known as the "Peach Tree Festival," which is held to pray for the happiness of female children. On this day, households with young girls display beautiful doll sets(Hinadan).
Each doll has her own personality.
I blessed "Girl's Festival" by drinking 焼酎??
It tasted good! But I shouldn't have drunk it before running...
Today's training: 16km run
Monthly mileage for March: 31km
Sunday, March 2, 2008
Happy birthday
Today is my wife's birthday! She became ○× years old!
Thank you for your permitting my naughtiness and selfishness.
Today's training: 15km
Monthly mileage for March:15km