Only one kind of training is not good for body.
I should swim more often.
Today's training: 4km jog & 30min swim
Monthly mileage for July 239km(target 250km)
Monday, July 28, 2008
Should swim !
Sunday, July 27, 2008
Next target
The result of Mt.Fuji race was published.
My finish time was 5 minutes behind the last year's my own time.
Mmmmmmm..... To tell the truth, I felt easier than last year in the middle of the race??? Anyway, I was glad that I could reach the top of Mt. Fuji.
I will have a exam next month and have to prepare for it..... I can't have an enough motivation for it. So I will give myself a present to keep doing hard!? What is the present? Beer? Travel? Sweet? Onsen? My motivation is coming out!!!
Today's training: 17km jog
Monthly mileage for July 235km(target 250km)
Friday, July 25, 2008
Mt.Fuji mountain race
24th July
We went out to participate Mt. Fuji race.
On the way(? a little different way) we dropped in Gotenba Outlet Mall.
Because it was weekday ,it was so nice that it was not very crowded.
Today's training: 6km jog
Monthly mileage for July 196km(target 250km)
25th July
Mt. Fuji mountain race was held. This was the second time to participate in it.
The most characteristic point of this race is it's severe time limit. So the atmosphere before the start is quite different from other races. Most of the runners try to keep better potion to start earlier. (there are over 2600 runners and some of the trail is single track )
Mt.Fuji in the dawn. You can see the light of huts.
A snap by my wife at 6合目
After the race! I could feel " the achivement"
Today's training: 28km (21km Mt.Fuji race 5km descending course, 2km jog)
Monthly mileage for July 218km(target 250km)
Wednesday, July 23, 2008
Last 2 days to Mt.Fuji climbing race
Am I in a good condition? I'm not sure....
It is too hot to judge whether I'm good or not...
Today's training: 8km run
Monthly mileage for July 190km(target 250km)
Tuesday, July 22, 2008
a small piano concert
From last Novenber my daughter began to take piano lessons and today a small piano concert was held.
Every students was very strained and each parents were also much strained...
After the concert we ate lunch with grandparents and then went to the pool again.
After concert, running and playing in the pool.
The most delicious Beeeerrr!!!!
Today's training: 8km run
Monthly mileage for July 182km(target 250km)
Summer days
20th July
I went to Fukuoka to meet one of my friends of junior and high school. He lost his wife because of a cancer last April. Now he lives with his twelve years old daughter.
We talked together much, but strictly speaking, I heard his story thoroughly. He felt a king of solitude. I hope we can make up his solitude.
21th July
A hot day comes after another hot day. It is best for going to a swimming pool!
There is a pool near our house and in every summer we always go to the swimming pool/
Very crowded....
Friday, July 18, 2008
Last 7 days to Mt.Fuji climbing race
I couldn't have a motivation for training....
But there is only 7 days left till the race....
To enjoy the race I should have enough training....
I tried not to care how much I train. The important thing is that just I have a training even if it is very little.
Today's training: going up steps (second~thirteen floor × 10)=about 5km?
Monthly mileage for July 174km(target 250km)
Thursday, July 17, 2008
Mt.Fuji Radar dome museum
In the base of Mt. Fuji there is Mt. Fuji Radar dome museum. The radar dome was the building for the weather observation which was built on the top of Mt.Fuji. It could find typhoons much earlier than used to be. But after weather satellites appeared, it was no longer worth. Anyway you can see the movie how it was built. I was very impressed with it. It is worth seeing.
The Rador dome was removed from the top of Mt.Fuji.
Today's training: 8km (including interval)
Monthly mileage for July 169km(target 250km)
Mt Fuji
Tuesday, July 15, 2008
Mt.Fuji (third time in this year)
Mt. Fuji called me again today!?
The weatherforecast said it would rain, but I could enjoy the fine weather,although a little bit windy.
My legs were not in good condition, but I could confirm the race course (where I should pace up or down).
Umagaeshi, 0合目 In the race trail part begins from this point.
The second Torii. If you can see this, the top is just before your eyes!
There is a shrine on the top of Mt.Fuji.
Today's another target is the famous onsen,"Nomekoinoyu"
After passing the suspension bridge, you can reach the onsen.
You can enjoy not only the onsen but eating Soba there if not sold out.
Today's training: 20km (Mt. Fuji Umagaeshi~top)
Monthly mileage for July 161km(target 250km)
trail run
Saturday, July 12, 2008
Mt.Fuji (second time in this year)
I struggled with myself in the bed whether I would go for running or not. The fight continued for 30 minutes. And then went to Mt.Fuji(1 hour behind the plan....)
There were only twelve days till the Mt.Fuji climbing race, so there were so many runners to try to run the race course. On my way descending from the top I talked with one of the runner about many races while running.
There is little snow. We can go to the top!
It was so fine that we could enjoy the spectacle view from the top.
After climbing I always eat this Udon. 500Yen!! How cheap! But delicious!
Today's training: 20km (Mt. Fuji Umagaeshi~top)
Monthly mileage for July 141km(target 250km)
trail run
Friday, July 11, 2008
Yukata festival
In these days(from July) the number of patients has been decreasing, so I could go home till noon after night duty. We call this phenomenan ”夏枯れ”.
I bought sunglasses for running. Today was the right day for use them.
In the evening there was a yukata festival in the kindergarten of my daughter.
We enjoyed dancing and fireworks. According to the wetherforecast there would be a summer afternoon shower. But it was good for us that we could enjoy the blue sky(twilight).
Today's training: 10km jog & walk
Monthly mileage for July 121km(target 250km)
kindergarten event
Wednesday, July 9, 2008
Tuesday, July 8, 2008
I have muscle pain here and there. I was partly satisfied with the result of this race, but on the other hand, I felt I was short of training.
It was certain that it was too hot to run pleasantly, but I realized that I didn't have enough muscle power(especially thigh) to climb up.
From today,,,tomorrow,, I will begin to restart the morning training if possible.
Today's training: 10km (5km walk& 5km jog)
Monthly mileage for July 103km(target 250km)
Sunday, July 6, 2008
Kitatanzawa 12hours endurance race
I woke up 2:30 and went out home 3:00. It was so early that it was difficult for my daughters to wake up, so my family was at home. Felt a little loneliness...
Before start(before 5:00)
It was too hot. The tempature was already 28℃ at 7 o'clock in the morning.During the race, it was over 30℃.
We were fighting against steep slope, ourselves and hotness!
After the race.I slipped a few times.
Today's training: 45km race & 2km walk
Monthly mileage for July 93km(target 250km)
Saturday, July 5, 2008
The Last day to Kitatanzawa 12hrs endurance race
Friday, July 4, 2008
Last 2 days to Kitatanzawa 12hrs endurance race
It was very muggy,humid and hot. Keeping a motivation is very hard, but there are only two days till the race.
Today's training: 5km run(interval)
Monthly mileage for July 46km(target 250km)
Thursday, July 3, 2008
Last 3 days to Kitatanzawa 12hrs endurance race
I was a little tired due to the night duty, but I had only three days till the race.
In case I can't have a motivation for running, I will take the wear that I usually put on in race. Put on the race wear, a bag and sunglasses, and went out for running.
I felt myself heavier than usual....
Today's training: 21km run
Monthly mileage for July 41km(target 250km)
Tuesday, July 1, 2008
ordinary day?
When I was running on the same course along the Tamako, I met a runner who went astray. She came from Fukuoka on business and always run everyday. We ran together till she could find where to go.
After running for a while, I found a person who failed down on the ground. There were already a few people around her. Perhaps she went into convulsions, and now the epilepsy has stopped. Soonerly EMS has arrived and they dispatched her to the hospital.
Today's training: 20km run
Monthly mileage for July: 20km (target 250km)