To tell the truth, I was lazy in trail run in this year partly because I couldn’t participate in the Japan mountaineering race(Hasetune race).
I swear, promise that I will run the mountains as much as possible in 2009 and will enjoy mountaineering races ( have a afford to enjoy races).
In this year I had many events and had a nice time. I appreciate all persons that I had met and all the events that I could have. Thanks for nice year!
Can you see the buildings in Shinjyuku?
today's training: 28km trail run!
monthly mileage for December 203km(target 200km)
Wednesday, December 31, 2008
Last trail in 2008
Tuesday, December 30, 2008
Sunday, December 28, 2008
I went to run trails after a very very long interval except the Mitake trail race.
I could enjoy fully the trails where there were many slopes, trees, fresh air and so on.
I will come back soon! Go to mountains!!
At Mt.Hinode where we could see Tokyo(for example Buildings in Shinjyuku )
We enjoyed the delicious oshiruko. And then she gave us her signature!
today's training: 25km trail run & 6km walk
monthly mileage for December 165km(target 200km)
Thursday, December 25, 2008
Wednesday, December 24, 2008
My parents came from Mie Pref. and we went to the restaurant together.
Tonight Santacrows will come, so we have to go home early to fall asleep before he comes!!
The cook of the restaurant said that he was in the freest Eve that he has ever experienced.
Christmas Eve
Tuesday, December 23, 2008
Happy birthday!
My daughter is eight years old today.
And the Tokyo tower is 50 years old today!
We held a small party at home and went out to see the Tokyo tower!
This is the birthday present. "Roller blades"
We drove into the midtown. In the Tokyo Midtown there was many spectacle illuminations, but too crowded...
A pretty animal had come!
Then we went to the Tokyo tower where there were as many people as in the Tokyo Midtown.
today's training: 6km run(25;35)
monthly mileage for December 113km(target 200km)
Monday, December 22, 2008
I ask myself when I will run in the mountain????
Of course I like trailrun but I have not been runnnint in the mountain for a long time except last week trailrun race.
I want to go mountains. I will go tomorrow!
today's training: 8km run
monthly mileage for December 107km(target 200km)
Sunday, December 21, 2008
I have been in a bad condition for a long time....
cold, cough, diarrhea.... I have to change myself... as soon as possible....
today's training: 8km run
monthly mileage for December 99km(target 200km)
Monday, December 15, 2008
Muscle pain
I have muscle pain in both legs. I was sorry that muscle pain came out from only 15km running. That's because of the extremely short of training.
I have to start from ZERO.
Firstly I will start the morning run!!!!???
today's training: 6km run
monthly mileage for December 91km(target 200km)
Sunday, December 14, 2008
Mt.Mitake trailrun race
We stayed in Mt.Mitake last night. In hotel(民宿) it was very cold but they served very nice dishes and we enjoyed them very much.
When I woke up in the morning, it rained very hard and I fell down so deeply. Soonerly the rain changed to snow that was the first time in Mitake.
The trail was in the worst condition and many runners slipped and fell down. Last year, I got severe injury in this race so I took much care for my steps.
I like winter because I can see snow!
The two animals ran and ran in the snow!
This was the last race of this year. Thanks for everyone.
today's training: 15km trailrun race & 6km jog
monthly mileage for December 85km(target 200km)
Friday, December 12, 2008
What I have to do
Is to keep doing my best everyday. But I am not a tough, so I will do at least half of my best everyday?
Anyway I will make the most of each days.
This weekend I will run the trail after a very long interval.
today's training: 4km jog & 4km run
monthly mileage for December 64km(target 200km)
Thursday, December 11, 2008
stiff body....
Tuesday, December 9, 2008
drink again
Saturday, December 6, 2008
A year end party
We held a year end party last day. There were about eighty and we had a very amusing time. I drank much of alchol, too much.....
In this morning severe headche and scareful nausea hit me and I couldn't get out of the bed till the afternoon.
But!! It was so fine today. My condition had been getting better and better, and I could go out for a walk with my daughters and then jogged.
A vegetable shop along the green road
We could enjoy the late autumn surrounded by reds and yellows.
today's training: 6km walk & 6km jog
monthly mileage for December 12km(target 200km)
Wednesday, December 3, 2008
I got a lot of damage from Tukuba marathon. But I have been getting well against my cold and the pain in my legs have also been distinguishing.
I will walk tomorrow in the morning! If I could get up early.......
Sunday, November 30, 2008
Tukuba marathon
I couldn't run from 22nd this month because of bad cold.
I wonder wether I should run this race or not. I had a plan to drink with my colleague after the race, so I decided to run!
The result was////////// Buut I could gain confidence because I didn't give up on the way and I didn't walk although the speed was like walking....
I will run the next full marathon till I can finish it within 3 hours.
today's training:42.195km race
monthly mileage for Novenber 207km(target 300km)
Saturday, November 22, 2008
Friday, November 21, 2008
I'm very sleepy because of the last night duty.
But It is very fine today, so fine and I could let me refleshed.
today's training:8km jog
monthly mileage for Novenber 159km(target 300km)
Wednesday, November 19, 2008
Happy Birthday!
From the morning my daughter was very excited and jumping all the time!
We parents have caught a cold so we were depressed. But she was so vigorous,cheerfull and in high-spirit!! We got so much energy from her.
Five candles for five years old.
today's training:6km run & 2km jog
monthly mileage for Novenber 151km(target 300km)
Monday, November 17, 2008
That's it!
My next target is Tukuba marathon which will be held on 30th this month.
I hope I can finish the race within three hours.
There are only less than two weeks, so I have to prepare for it.
But I feel my body heavy.....
This is what I have been looking for.
today's training:21km jog
monthly mileage for Novenber 143km(target 300km)
Sunday, November 16, 2008
ordinary day
It was rainy and cool . Maybe good for running.
But I had to go for shopping to buy a present for my daughter's birthday.
She wants a Kuromi doll that I can't find in my near stores.
Finally I could find it in Ikebukuro!!
today's training:10km jog
monthly mileage for Novenber 122km(target 300km)
Friday, November 14, 2008
The main personal computer in my house was out of order!
There were many data(photos & music) in it.
When I took it to the shop, they said it might be impossible to recover it...
It will take one week to know whether or not.
today's training:6km jog
monthly mileage for Novenber 112km(target 300km)
Thursday, November 13, 2008
Petit trailrun
It was very fine and warm. The best day for LSD(long slow distance).
And I could be off from the night duty earlier than usual.
I ran around the Tamako and Sayamako. I couldn't enjoy the autumn scenery than I had expected but I could find a few beautiful red leaves.
I hope I can enjoy the red and yellow leaves this year much more than last year!!
Anyway I want to go Moutains .I want much steep hills!
today's training:33km jog(road & trail)
monthly mileage for Novenber 106km(target 300km)
Tuesday, November 11, 2008
Trail runner?
Nowadays I haven't gone for trailrun for a very long time... I'm very sad...
Of course I'm eager to go, but I have something to do on every weekend. road race, my daughters' events and many day and night duties.
I hope I can go to a mountain to run in next mounth.
today's training: 6km jog
monthly mileage for Novenber 73km(target 300km)
Monday, November 10, 2008
I don't want to say "I feel tired". I will try never to say it.
But!!!! today I felt it... """I felt so tired."""
today's training: 5km jog
monthly mileage for Novenber 67km(target 300km)
Saturday, November 8, 2008
Ekiden(long distance relay road race)
There was a big Ekiden race in Syouwa kinen Park today.
Over 1000 teams took part in it and each team was consisted of four runners and more there was a short distance race in the morning and a long distance race in the afternooon. After all over 10000 runners were gathering in the park!
We took part in the long distance race ( 10.8km-5.8km-3km-5.3km).
I ran the first part. Surely it was the best time.
After the race we went out for the drink! With other teams!
We could have a nice time with each other.
Our team was consist of men & woman. The total ranking was 189/?(about 1000),but the category ranking was 18/?. !!
Our team, our cheering party and other teams.全員集合
An owl was also cheering.
today's training: 10.8km run(race) & 4km jog
monthly mileage for Novenber 62km(target 300km)
Friday, November 7, 2008
Fly away
Monday, November 3, 2008
Sports meeting no.3
The sports meeting was held. It was for the children whose parents have job and can't go home so early that their children have to stay longer than usual.
It was so cloudy that if you don't stand still you feel chilly.
There are so many elementary school.
Today's leading part was senior daughter
today's training: 6km & 7km jog
monthly mileage for Novenber 31km(target 300km)
Sunday, November 2, 2008
福生健康マラソン 10km race
Three years ago when I began to run I took part in the running race for the first time (except when I was a student). The name of the race was 福生健康マラソン.
I ran 10km 43min 50seconds in the first race, and I ran the same 39min 16seconds at this time.
I want to belive that I am evolving! Of course I will continue to do my best for all my life.
today's training: 10km race(39:16) & 8km jog
monthly mileage for Novenber 18km
Thursday, October 30, 2008
Run and drink
I went out for a drink tonight. I had no time for run.
So I ran to the bar and ran back home. Drunk running!
Today's training: 7km jog X 2
Monthly mileage for Octorber: 207km(monthly target 300km)
Wednesday, October 29, 2008
I could!
I could change my way of thinking. Everything is changing.
I will have a race at this weekend. It is spling(10km),so I have to do speed training.
Today's training: 10km run(build up) & 4km jog
Monthly mileage for Octorber: 193km(monthly target 300km)
Saturday, October 25, 2008
I'm not in good condition.
Anyway it's 10th aniversary day of our wedding. So it's time to take a rest.
Today's training: 6km walk & 4km run
Monthly mileage for Octorber: 179km(monthly target 300km)
Wednesday, October 22, 2008
It is getting cooler and cooler and pleasant for running. The risk for dehydration is getting less and less, I think.
Today I had relaxed my guard for taking water. After coming home I went out for running without drinking anything. When I ran 15km , I begant to feel thirsty and was suddenly dizzy. I couldn't run any more and it was all that I could walk....
I have never experienced such a feeling...
Today's training: 21km
Monthly mileage for Octorber: 169km(monthly target 300km)
Sunday, October 19, 2008
BBQ party
We had a barbecue with my friend's family of the highschool.
I and he went the same elementary school, the same junior highschool, the same senior highschool and the same university!
We have two children with each other so the children could play together.
It was cool and nice day for outdoors. At 晴海ふ頭公園。
Today's training: 7km walk in the morning & 8km run at night
Monthly mileage for Octorber: 148km(monthly target 300km)
Saturday, October 18, 2008
Yes! I did it!
I did 1km dash X 5 times!!!! Wow!! I can't believe myself!
I went to a park near my house with my daughters. While they were playing in the park, I could run because the park was along the green road which was my running course. So I could do speed training which is my most hateful one.
Today's training: 10km run at noon & 1km dash X 5本+7km jog in the afternoon
Monthly mileage for Octorber: 133km(monthly target 400km→300km)
Thursday, October 16, 2008
I had a cold for a long time, so today I could run afer a long interval.
And in the mean time when I had a cold, there was a congress of acute medicine in Hokkaido and I had to make a small presentation in it.
Anyway in Hokkaido autumn has already come.
Red leaves in 大通り公園
In the congress the famous adventurer, pro-skier, climbist 三浦雄一郎 made a speech!!
Although he is already over 75 years old, he looks intrepid.
Today's training: 21km jog
Monthly mileage for Octorber: 111km(monthly target 400km→300km)
Wednesday, October 8, 2008
Tuesday, October 7, 2008
It's ordinary day today.
It's cool and best day for pleasant run. I can enjoy "cool running".
Today's training: 21km jog & 2km walk
Monthly mileage for Octorber: 90km(monthly target 400km)
Saturday, October 4, 2008
sports meeting no.2
A sport meeting in my smaller daughter's kindergarten was held today.
It was so fine as same as the day of the sports meeting of my older daughter.
In the kindergarten we can see the process of growth more clearly when we see the each grades. They grow faster than we think.
月光仮面! sounds nostalgic! She was in the best possible condition!
Fell to the ground!! Cry and cry.....
She could recover herself... ほっ。。。 We felt relieved.
Today's training: 21km run(build up 6:00/km-4:30/km) & 2km walk
Monthly mileage for Octorber: 67km(monthly target 400km)
sports meeting
Friday, October 3, 2008
Wednesday, October 1, 2008
Octorber run has began!
I won't take part in any race in this month. So I can run and run!
Today's training: 15km jog& 2km walk
Monthly mileage for Octorber: 17km(monthly target 400km)
Tuesday, September 30, 2008
I could achieve my target this month!
Although I hardly did speed tranining such as pace run, interval or build up running, I could achieve the target distance "300km".
Next month the target is 400km!
Today's training: 14km jog
Monthly mileage for September: 329km(monthly target 300km)
Sunday, September 28, 2008
slow day
I could spend a very slow life today.
Cosmoses,one of the most famous flower in autumn. I like them, but I love lilies better.
Takenoko-Park. I enjoyed some instruments in the park with my daughter.
Today's training: 6km pace run , 5km walk & 5km jog
Monthly mileage for September: 315km(monthly target 300km)
Saturday, September 27, 2008
sports meeting
A sports meeting was held at my daughter's elementary school.
It was so fine and cool , best weather for sports and cheering.
There should be many kinds of competetions like a 50m race, but some entertainments like dancing,apparatus gymnastics and so on also were very important events.
We could enjoy the meeting so much.
A 50m dash! The first prize she got!!!!(Last year 5th...the last.)
A team event. フラフープで”わ、輪、和”
Today's training: 10km run & 2km walk
Monthly mileage for September: 299km(monthly target 300km)
elementary school
Thursday, September 25, 2008
Before winter
In autumn we can enjoy many kinds of flowers as we can in summer.
I like autumn best (when it is autumn...! I like winter best when it is winter!)
Lycoris radiata、that has so many names, 彼岸花、曼珠沙華、死人花(しびとばな)、地獄花(じごくばな)、幽霊花(ゆうれいばな)、剃刀花(かみそりばな)、狐花(きつねばな)、はっかけばばあと
Today's training: 5km walk & 5km jog
Monthly mileage for September: 287km(monthly target 300km)
Tuesday, September 23, 2008
Blue sky in autumn and chestnutsくん達
Nowadays we could find little autumn here and there!
Along the green road there are chestnuts trees and we can see a lot of chestnuts case.
Anyway it is getting cooler and cooler and becomes more comfortable to run.
The best season for run has come!
I want to get them.....
I could see a fantastic red sky!
Today's training: 6km walk in the morning, 5km walk & 5km jog at night
Monthly mileage for September: 277km(monthly target 300km)
Monday, September 22, 2008
Next target
My next target is full marathon. It's Tukuba marathon.
Last March I ran my first full marathon and couldn't finish within three hours.
So I have to challenge again.
1. I will run as much as possible.
2. I will do much speed training such as pace run and interval. more than once a week
Today's training: 3km walk & 5km jog
Monthly mileage for September: 261km(monthly target 300km)
Sunday, September 21, 2008
巨峰の丘マラソン”Marathon around grape hills”
This was the third times I took part in the marathon around grape hills.
It was so nice that we could eat grapes as much as we like.
But the course was very hard, so many uphills and downhills.
It was cloudy and the best condition for run!
My cheering party!
This was the reward for participants. And we could eat another grapes.
A souvenir (ピオーネ、翠峯、ロザリオ、甲斐路!!)
Today's training: 20km run(race 1:19:31) & 2km jog
Monthly mileage for September: 253km(monthly target 300km)
Saturday, September 20, 2008
Drinking week....
In this week I had three drinking parties and so I couldn't run at all .
And more I was sick almost everyday..... the worst condition...
But I could run today! I can run for the tomorrow's race refreshly.
Now I will leave for "巨峰の丘マラソン".
Today's training: 6km run(pace run 4~4:30/km & 2km jog
Monthly mileage for September: 231km(monthly target 300km)
Monday, September 15, 2008
New shoes!
I bought two pair of running shoes after a long interval.
One is for trainig with good cushion and the other is for race which is very light.
Today's training: 6km walk in the morning, 16km jog & 2km walk at night
Monthly mileage for September: 223km(monthly target 300km)
Sunday, September 14, 2008
Run, run and walk!
I can find time to run anytime,anywhere.
But I have to find the time to prepare for my presentation of the next congress....
Today's training: 18km run(build up 7 min/km -up-up-4 min/km) and 2km walk
Monthly mileage for September: 199km(monthly target 300km)
Saturday, September 13, 2008
It was the one of the best thing that I could see the beautiful sunrise.
Today's training: 6km walk in the morning
Monthly mileage for September: 179km(monthly target 300km)
Friday, September 12, 2008
Running season has come here!
It is getting cooler and cooler and more suitable for runnig.
My next target is Tukuba marathon ( full marathon) on 30th November.
I will do more speed training and pace run (although I hate it... ).
Today's training: 21km run(pace run!) & 2km walk
Monthly mileage for September: 173km(monthly target 300km)
Wednesday, September 10, 2008
Off =
Off means just walking!
Today's training: 5km walk & jog in the morning
Monthly mileage for September: 150km(monthly target 300km)
Tuesday, September 9, 2008
A little tired...
There is something wrong with my leg ligament.
Today's training: 5km walk in the morning & 3km walk at night
Monthly mileage for September: 145km(monthly target 300km)
Monday, September 8, 2008
Sunday, September 7, 2008
Anyway walk
I can walk even if I am very tired. Walking relaxes me rather than exhausts!
Today's training: 6km walk in the morning
Monthly mileage for September: 119km(monthly target 300km)
Saturday, September 6, 2008
The first day of 39 years old
Today is the first day of my 39 years old.
The first day is the most important day as you know, so I did LSD although I felt my body very heavy.
While running I met many people, two runner I have knows and one person who was cyclist. Everyone is doing his best. I will also do my best of course!
Anyway a birthday present for me was suit. It is very cool!! But I am ... with it....?
Today's training: 37km LSD & 2km walk
Monthly mileage for September: 113km(monthly target 300km)
Friday, September 5, 2008
I'm a morning runner!
Of course very sleepy, but I wish I could run in the morning.
I have changed!?
Today's training: 6km walk & 2km jog in the morning and 9km walk in the evening
Monthly mileage for September: 74km(monthly target 300km)
Thursday, September 4, 2008
I am not what used to be till last month
When I jumped out of my house to run, it began to rain cats ans dogs. If I was what used to be, I gave up running. But I have changed!!!?
I climbed up the steps of my apartment building. It's a good training for trail-run.
Today's training: 4km jog & climb steps(from second to twelve floors x 11 )
about 10km
Monthly mileage for September: 57km(monthly target 300km)
Wednesday, September 3, 2008
everyday is the precious day.
Anyway I will be stick to total mileage in this month!
Today's training: 8km jog in the morning
Monthly mileage for September: 47km(monthly target 300km)
Tuesday, September 2, 2008
Monday, September 1, 2008
Last 30s years old
It's September now. From this month my last year of 30s has began!
I have been enjoying my life fully, so I should do my duty samely as much as that I enjoy.
Today's training: 16km run
Monthly mileage for September: 16km(monthly target 300km )
Sunday, August 31, 2008
I was not a Ganbaripapa in this month.
Next month I will be!
Today's training: 6km jog in the morning
Monthly mileage for August: 148km(monthly target 200km )
Saturday, August 30, 2008
Sightseeing in Tokyo
I changed the plan from Ontake race to Sightseeing in Tokyo because of my mess!!!?
At first we ate lunch at the top of Koutuukaikan from where we can see around the Tokyo sation and Marunouchi. It goes around 360°in 80 minutes.
We can see the Tokyo station from sky!
Next we went to the 相田みつを museum.
I love the word "一生勉強 一生青春"
There were many words that impressed us.
The main event was a mini bus trip. The bus was "sky bus" which has no roof!!
国会議事堂、the Diet Building.
It had no sooner began to rain than we got out of the bus! How lucky we were!
Today's training: 8km jog in the morning and 10km run, 2km jog in the evening
Monthly mileage for August: 142km(monthly target 200km )