Monday, May 31, 2010

terrible muscle pain

I'm suffering from terrible muscle pain..
While working in the hospital yesterday, I couldn't walk as a normal style and it was very hard time when I was going down the steps...

resting is the source for tomorrow!
Yesterday's training: 6km jog in the morning
Today's training: 10km walk
Monthly mileage for May: 429km

Saturday, May 29, 2010

trailrun & dinner at 茶寮 大

Although it was chilly and sometimes raining but very good for running.
We took on the first train from Hanakoganei at 5 o'clock and took a bus from St. Okutama. The start point was Kamosawa along the Lake Okutama-Ko.
Although it was raining, Mt Kumotori was so popular that many hikers were climbing.

Mt. Kumotori is the highest mountain of Tokyo.
After climbing the Mts, we enjoyed a dinner with Mr.G family.
The resaturant was 茶寮 大 and a little old, small one but the dishes were very nice and we could enjoy many goog fishes.

Thanks Mr.G for having a good time with us!

Today's training: 30km trailrun
Monthly mileage for May: 413km

Thursday, May 27, 2010

The phot has come

Who was the first that made the goal tape cut!?

The congress

I wonder whether I was to be a emergency surgeon or a emergency phisician....
Anyway I could get much information from the congress.
The congress will be continued till tomorrow.

The congress was held in Makuhari. It was a little far from my home...
Today's training: 2km jog
Monthly mileage for May: 383km

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Today's training: 17km jog & weight training,4km jog
Monthly mileage for May: 381km

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Today's training: 9km run in the morning
Monthly mileage for May: 360km

Monday, May 24, 2010

It's very tough!

I bought a new digital camera which is waterproof and shockproof!
I dropped my last camera many times while running and it is almost out of order.
From today I can carry with my camera while running or skiing.

Today's training: 21km jog ,4km jog & power training
Monthly mileage for May: 351km

Friday, May 21, 2010


I have a pain with my right plantar. It must be plantar fascitis.
I have to take a rest for a while. Maybe my running form is bad an it is not in a good balance.
.....Let's walk!

Today's training: 7km walk in the morning
Monthly mileage for May: 326km

Thursday, May 20, 2010

Today's training: 9km run in the morning & 10km walk
Monthly mileage for May: 319km

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Today's training: 5km jog
Monthly mileage for May: 300km

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Today's training: 7km jog in the morning
Monthly mileage for May: 295km

Monday, May 17, 2010


I have to have rehabilitation for a while...
I knew that I was short of training espesially LSD.
I began to feel tired 10km point in this race!!! And the worst happening is that my gut was totally knocked out. I dashed into the toilet more than 7 times.
I will exercise much from now to enjoy next year's race!

The altitude of top point is 1903m and that of bottom is 600m.

I could become friends wiht Anpanman! We ran together for about 5km.

We could run through the gate together!

My family were also worth for gold medal! Thanks for your cheers all the day.

Today's training: 4km walk in the morning & 7km walk active resting?
Monthly mileage for May: 288km

Sunday, May 16, 2010

I will write tomorrow....

Today's training: 100km ultramarathon
Monthly mileage for May: 278km

Friday, May 14, 2010

Today's training: 9km jog in the morning & 3km jog
Monthly mileage for May: 178km

Thursday, May 13, 2010

Last three days before Nobeyama Ultramarathon

From April I could keep morning run exept duty days, but I couldn't run LSD at all.
I'm not sure that I can finish the race but I feel I'm in the best condition of last three ultramarathon races.
I'm very looking forward to running the race!

Yesterday's training:9km in the morning
Today's training: 16km jog & 10km walk
Monthly mileage for May: 166km

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Today's training: 9km in the morning jog & 1km at night
Monthly mileage for May: 131km

Monday, May 10, 2010

New item!!

I began to use heart rate monitor from last week. It is Garmin Forrunner50 which is reasonable for beginners. And today I bought food pod by which we can see speed and distance.
Yesterday's training: 9km jog in the morning
Today's training: 3km & 6km jog
Monthly mileage for May: 121km

Saturday, May 8, 2010

Season for trailrun

After I went to ski last week, I waxed my skies and change the tires from snow ones to normal ones.
The season for trailrun has begun in my mind.
I went trailrunning with Mr.G from Takao St. to Mt. Jinba. There were so many hikers and trailrunner, but sunshine, breeze, shade of trees and many slopes are all comfortable for us!

Mr. G has big foot! The biggest of all that I have ever seen.

Powerful trail-climber!

We ate 柚子sherbet on the top of Mt. Jinba.
Today's training: 23km trailrun & 3km warm up,4km cool down
Monthly mileage for May: 103km

Friday, May 7, 2010

Today's training: 7km jog in the morning & 14km jog at night
Monthly mileage for May: 73km

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Today's training: 7km run in the morning
Monthly mileage for May: 52km

Tuesday, May 4, 2010


Daughters have finished their drills and I took them for cinema "名探偵コナン" as their rewards.
They enjoyed it fully and after coming back home they have been still talking only about it. It was suspense, "a thriller" and a little difficult for them....

We could meet real!? コナン!
Today's training: 15km run
Monthly mileage for May: 45km

Monday, May 3, 2010


I had a plan which was the same as I did last year.
We would went to Titibu to see Shibazakura. My wife and daughters would go there by train and I on foot.
I woke up 5 o'clock and started bound for Titibu...with new shoes.... But on the way (about 10km) I had a terrible pain with my outer ankle because of the NEW shoes.... I tried everything to relieve the pain(applying plasters, heel up by paper and so on).. and then I gave up running.
We went there by train together. It was so crowded that it was as if a commuter train!

Although it was awfully crowded, shibazakura was very beautiful.

You can see Mt. Bukou behind shibazakura.

Lovely flowers!
Today's training: 15km jog & walk
Monthly mileage for May: 30km

Sunday, May 2, 2010

The last skiing

This was the last skiing of this season.
I went to Marunuma Ski resort and enjoyed bumps fully!
I could avoid the GW traffic jam by waking up at 3:30!
I hope I will be a better skier in the next year...

There was still enough? snow on the slope.

Saturday, May 1, 2010

New shoes!?

I bought three pairs of shoes today.
Of course they were new but they are same as those I already had...
They don't look like new at all. But they should be perfectly goog for me!

Today's training: 15km jog back to home
Monthly mileage for May: 15km