I can't run because of plantar fascitis.
I got this last Sunday and couldn't run from then.
I hope I can cure it before the next race "Hasetune".
There are many days before it.....
Wednesday, September 30, 2009
plantar fascitis
Sunday, September 27, 2009
Hasetune inspection
There were many runners on Hasetune course. Including us they inspected the course before the race.
There are only 14days before the race. It is the first target race of this year.
If it will go as now , my condition will be very goood!
Training: 25km trailrun & 7km walk
monthly mileage for September: 359km(monthly target350km)
Saturday, September 26, 2009
Red spider lily
After night duty we went to see a lot of red spider lilies(lycoris) at Kintyakuda.
It was a little late to see them but we could enjoy enough.
There were many people who came from Shizuoka, Hukushima, Tiba and so on!
Autumn has already come but today is so hot that it is like summer.
I fell down to short of energy.
Red spider lilies here and there!
We could enjoy also many cosmoses.
Training: 5km walking?
monthly mileage for September: 327km(monthly target350km)
Thursday, September 24, 2009
build down running?
To finish a full marathon within 3 hours I have to run as pace running or build up running. Today I started running as a pace running 4:20~4:50/km, but I had been exhausted and ran as a build down running...... It was a result of short of training!
Training: 29km (25km pace run & 4km cool down)
monthly mileage for September: 322km(monthly target350km)
Monday, September 21, 2009
Grape valley marathon(巨峰の丘マラソン)
There are continuous five days holidays in Japan. And I have two and a half holidays!
I took part in the Grape valley marathon(20km) and ate much grape!
I run this race every year to eat grape as much as possible!?
After the race we went Syousenkyou and enjoyed sightseeing.
I took part in the race with my friend of highschool.
After the race we could eat grape as much as possible!
After the race we enjoyed petit climbing with a little thrill.
They have been becoming more and more tough!
Training: 26km (20km race +6km walk & jog)
monthly mileage for September: 293km(monthly target350km)
Thursday, September 17, 2009
Trailrun after night duty
One of my staff was knocked down by cold and I got more night duty in this week.
It's all right but I have to do something for a change.
I jumped into train and fell asleep. Then I ran around Okutama.
There were many animals, birds,sqirrels, a dear and a wild boar.
Today's training: 25km (20km trailrun & 5km jog)
monthly mileage for September: 267km(monthly target350km)
Monday, September 14, 2009
I'm feeling run-down
There were many night duty in these days and I am feeling a little run-down.
I gave up pace run on the way today. It's all right.
On the next week I have a race, so don't work over.
Today's training: 26km (20km run & 6km jog)
monthly mileage for September: 242km(monthly target350km)
Saturday, September 12, 2009
I am doing my best
I have to take care of myself for overwork.
Although I ran much more than before , I don't feel pain in my legs.
Be careful and go ahead.
My next target is Hasetune Cup and Tukuba marathon.
I'm very looking forward to run the races!!
Today's training: 10km (5km splint because of hard rain)
monthly mileage for September: 216km(monthly target350km)
Friday, September 11, 2009
Good job!
One of our hospital staffs had a cold and suddenly couldn't do a night duty today.
I have to be at the night duty instead of him so I could get 5 hours free time afternoon. I ran back home and wore a running suit and begant to run as LSD.
Today's training: 35km LSD
monthly mileage for September: 206km(monthly target350km)
Thursday, September 10, 2009
good condition
I can feel a respons from my training.
If I can keep this menu, I will be able to run thorough the race within 3hours.
Today's training: 22km slow jog
monthly mileage for September: 171km(monthly target350km)
pace run
To finish a full marathon within 3 hours I have to do pace run for 25~35km.
I will do it once a week. It is hard work but I can get something from it.
Today's training: 30km PR & 2km cool down
(22:40 24:09 22:57 23:13 22:48 23:23)
monthly mileage for September: 149km(monthly target350km)
Monday, September 7, 2009
I like autumn
I has been getting cooler and cooler. It is a little hotter this week, but it's cool in the evening. It's the best season for running. I will run and run .
And I want to begin to do something another except running.
Autumn is the best season to do something new!
Today's training: 16km jog
monthly mileage for September: 117km(monthly target350km)
Sunday, September 6, 2009
Happy birthday to me?
Birthdays will always come every year so they are not special days for life. But I am fourty's from today! From fourty's waht do I want to do ?
I will do my best even when I have been satisfied. That is, I will not be satisfied with any situation!
Presents for me from my daughters!
I went for a trailrun to Titibu from Yokoze station , Mt.Bukou, Izugatake to Agano station.
Best season for trail!
I like big trees. The merit of age!
At the top of Mt. Bukou. You can get full view of Titibu town.
At the edge of a cliff. I was sorry but I was frightened a little.
Today's training: 31km trailrun
monthly mileage for September: 101km(monthly target350km)
Saturday, September 5, 2009
Thursday, September 3, 2009
For full marathon
My first target is the Japan mountaineering race so-called Hasetune Cup.
Another target is to finish a full marathon within 3 hours.
At next November I will run the Tukuba marathon and will succeed my target!?
To achieve it I should do pace run for 25km to 35km!! Pace run for 35km!!!!
Firstly my target is to achieve the 35km pace run!
Today's training: 2km walking in the morning & 13km (6km with 5kg weight)
monthly mileage for September: 58km(monthly target350km)
Wednesday, September 2, 2009
Bad morning
I'm afraid that I will not be able to wake up early tomorrow morning,,,
So I did my best tonight. It's alright!
Today's training: 27.5km (pace running for 2hours(24km)+ cool down )
monthly mileage for September: 42.5km(monthly target350km)
Tuesday, September 1, 2009
I will do that today!
What can I do to wake up early in the morning and run?
In the morning maybe I feel sleepy, heavy, tired and think that I should not run to take a rest!!!
When I wake up, I will try to say five things that I want to do today.
From tomorrow, I will change.
Today's training: 15km run
monthly mileage for September: 15km(monthly target350km)