It was very hot and the temperture was over 30℃.
I drunk about 2L while running. It was a good experience for summer race.
Today's training:33km trailrun(Kitatanzawa race course "short cut")
monthly mileage for May: 289km (monthly target 300km)
Saturday, June 27, 2009
Thursday, June 25, 2009
Mt.Fuji (2nd stage)
I climbed Mt. Fuji from Umagaeshi to the top for climbing race.
The race will be held on 24ht in July. This will be the third time for me.
There was plenty of snow in this year.
In front of the shrine on the top.
It was very hard to climb on the snow and more difficult to descend.
This was the line of sledge(my hip and bag!)in the snow.
Today's training:20km trail?
monthly mileage for May: 256km (monthly target 300km)
Wednesday, June 24, 2009
muggy night
It's a rainy season and it has been getting hotter and hotter.
The hard season for running has begun.
Today's training:14km jog
monthly mileage for May: 236km (monthly target 300km)
Tuesday, June 23, 2009
Sunday, June 21, 2009
Saiko road race & taking as much cherry as possible
From yesterday we went to Saiko near Mt. Fuji.
I was very sorry that we couldn't see Mt. Fuji because of rain.
After the race we went to a farm to taking cherrys.
In this year there were so many fine days that the best season of cherry had already gone. There were few cherrys..... Buuut I tried hard, did my best! more than running!
Today's training:20.5km race & 5.5km jog
monthly mileage for May: 200km (monthly target 300km)
Wednesday, June 17, 2009
My daughter had a fever yesterday. It was over 39℃.
We were afraid that she got a flu, but it seemed a common cold.
Today she was quite better though she had still a fever.
She was very quiet. Although we hope they are quiet, we are anxious if they are so calm.
Today's training:6km walk
monthly mileage for May: 174km (monthly target 300km)
Tuesday, June 16, 2009
Kitatanzawa race course
I woke up early and drove to Kitatanzawa.
I was the first runner who arrived there but soonerly another runner came.
It was cool and the trail was in best condition because of yesterday's rain,not so dry nor wet.
I was about to loose my feet!
There were many deers. Can you find it out?
Today's training:34km trailrun
Start- triangle point 31:57
- Tateishi 57:54
- Kannokawa Hut 1:26
- short cut 7:00
- Kazamaki 41:49
-Goal 59:33
total (Kannokawa short cut)5:32:36
monthly mileage for May: 168km (monthly target 300km)
trail run
Monday, June 15, 2009
Sunday, June 14, 2009
wedding party
I took part in a wedding party of my hospital's staff.
There were so many participants. About 200 persons!!!
I could enjoy drinking champagne.(maybe seven glasses....)
Today's training:6km run(4:oo/km)& climbing steps with 10kg(= same as about 4km)
monthly mileage for May: 124km (monthly target 300km)
Friday, June 12, 2009
Hydrangeas are in full bloom
The rainy season has began, but it was fine today.
Along the Green Road which is my running course there are many hydrangeas.
Today's training: 16km jog
monthly mileage for May: 114km (monthly target 300km)
Thursday, June 11, 2009
Tuesday, June 9, 2009
Traffic jam on Chyuou Highway
Last weekend we faced a terrible traffic jam on Chyuou Highway.
It was 50km long and took 5 hours to go through.
I hear it's same on every weekend after the traffic fare is cut to ¥1000.
I have to make a tactics for it.
Today's training: 22km jog
monthly mileage for May: 55km (monthly target 300km)
Sunday, June 7, 2009
Fujimi Kogen cross country race and her villa
One of my friends with whom I worked in the same hospital moved to the country and began her new life.
We visited her new house at the Fujimi heights and by the way we took part in the race.
It is usually cool but.....
Her country villa was so nice that I want to stay as long as possible.
She looks like very fresh and lively.
Today's training: 10km cross country race
monthly mileage for May: 33km (monthly target 300km)
Saturday, June 6, 2009
Perhaps I had a cold... But I could recover from it.
Yesterday I went to Oshio Koutarou concert.
He can play the guitar very well and he can play both melody line and base line by himself and more he play it as if playing the drum.
Today's training: 10km pace run(43:30)
monthly mileage for May: 23km (monthly target 300km)
Tuesday, June 2, 2009
Slow start
June has started and I regard this month as a month for LSD.
I will make my legs so tough that I could run much more even if very slow.
Today's training: 13km slow jog
monthly mileage for May: 13km (monthly target 300km)