The season of Mt.Fuji has started! I went there with one staff of my hospital.
It was cloudy and often rained. It was nice condition for running.
There were many runners who climbed up Mt. Fuji.
We ran up to six stage(6合目).
Today's training: 16.8km up and 16.8km down (富士吉田市役所ー6合目)
monthly mileage for May: 430km (monthly target 400km)
Sunday, May 31, 2009
Mt. Fuji 1st stage
Saturday, May 30, 2009
I have more things that I have to do.
I have enough time to do what I have to do.
I have the will with that I do my best.
I have to make my life more and more....
I will climb Mt.Fuji tomorrow.(Maybe half of the way 5合目)
Today's training: 16km jog
monthly mileage for May: 396.5km (monthly target 400km)
Wednesday, May 27, 2009
Mt.Otake traial
I could finish my night duty by the noon.
I jumped in the train and went for a trailrun.
Of course I fell asleep in the train.
Start: Musashiitukaichi station(200m altitude) Return point: Mt. Otake(1200m altitude)
It was cloudy so nice to run!
There was no one on the top! On weekend there will be so many hikers.
Today's training: 38.5km trail run
monthly mileage for May: 380.5km (monthly target 400km)
Monday, May 25, 2009
Drink party
I drunk too much and ate too much..... 苦しい・・・・・
Today's training: 10km run (pace run 4:15/km)
monthly mileage for May: 342km (monthly target 400km)
Sunday, May 24, 2009
Flu confusion
Last night I worked in the center of emergency medical service.
There were many calls as usual but among them there were a lot of patients who worried that they had swine flu. Their symptoms were very light and EMS was not necessary for them. I thought they had anxiety and had no idea what to do.
They should call to a public health center. If the numbers of the patiens were getting more and more, EMS will have broken down.
Today's training: 20km run & jog
monthly mileage for May: 332km (monthly target 400km)
swine flu
Saturday, May 23, 2009
Friday, May 22, 2009
I'm very sorry...
We have a favorite restaurant around the neiborhood station where we can eat delicious fishes and meat. Today we ate there with my grandparents who came from Mie Pref. But the restaurant will move to Yokohama in next June.........
I have to search for next delicious restaurant...
Today's training: 14km jog
monthly mileage for May: 302km (monthly target 400km)
Wednesday, May 20, 2009
Tuesday, May 19, 2009
A lot of muscle pain!
I have to rehabilitate myself.
Next stage has begun!
Today's training: 12km walking
monthly mileage for May: 280km (monthly target 400km)
Sunday, May 17, 2009
Nobeyama Yatugatake Ultramarathon
course map The top attitude is about 2000m high.
I had three targets in this race.
1. always smiling while running and give thanks to all cheers and staffs(挨拶する)
2. finish within 11 hours (previous time was 11:21)
3. eat so many kinds of food in the aid station, but not to eat too much.
I'm very satisfied with achieve all targets!
I could meet my cheering party only once here.......
Today's training: 1ookm ultramarathon
monthly mileage for May: 268km (monthly target 400km)
Saturday, May 16, 2009
The last day!
The weather forecast don't change the prediction.
It will rain tomorrow. We have to prepare for rain.
Today's training: 4km slow jog
monthly mileage for May: 168km (monthly target 400km)
Friday, May 15, 2009
Last 2days before Yatugatake Ultramarathon
Be careful not to have a cold!
Today's training: 8km slow jog
monthly mileage for May: 164km (monthly target 400km)
Thursday, May 14, 2009
Take a rest!
Wednesday, May 13, 2009
Tuesday, May 12, 2009
I feel my body heavy and can't run fast these days.
But today I could feel myself refreshed.
I'm looking forward to participating this week end race "Yatugatake Ultramarathon".
Today's training: 14km jog & 2km
monthly mileage for May: 144km (monthly target 400km)
Monday, May 11, 2009
Shoes for race
I bought new shoes for Yatugatake Ultramarathon in this weekend.
It was Wave aero wide made by MIZUNO.
Last year I wore Wave LSD made by MIZUNO.
In the year before the last year I wore Wave creation made by MIZUNO.
I love MIZUNO . Of course I had other shoes, Asics, Adidas, Montrail,La sportiva.
But I think MIZUNOs are "kindest" for my feet.
Today's training: 8km jog
monthly mileage for May: 128km (monthly target 400km)
Saturday, May 9, 2009
Family hiking in Okumusashi
It had been raining for some days in this week. But today is the best day for hiking. It's not so hot nor cold.
We got on the train and got off at Koma station. I'm afraid that today's course is too long for my daughters to walk.
It was so fine that all flowers looked like more vivid.
After 2km walk from the station, rock climbing? has begun.
My anxiety that my daughters couldn't climb it had gone soonerly .
They really enjoyed climbing!
After the hard part of the course, the trail was easy and smooth. They sometimes ran!
We could see many kinds of nature there.
Today's training: 10km family hiking & 10km jog
monthly mileage for May: 120km (monthly target 400km)
Friday, May 8, 2009
Last 9days before Yatugatake Ultramarathon
My next target race is Yatugatake Ultramarathon on 17th this month.
It's a long distance race,so I will do my best to enjoy it, not to run fast!
I want to run through 100km with smile. Don't forget to smile!!
Today's training: 8km jog in the morning & 22km run at night
monthly mileage for May: 100km (monthly target 400km)
Thursday, May 7, 2009
cold rain
After night duty I fell asleep. I couldn't get up at the target time....
So I couldn't run as LSD....due to cold rain!?
Today's training: 14km jog
monthly mileage for May: 70km (monthly target 400km)
Tuesday, May 5, 2009
BBQ in アメリカキャンプ村
We went to Okutama to enjoy BBQ with many firemans yesterday.
There were many children and olders took care of youngers very well, so I enjoy drinking beer so much!
Today's training: 26km jog
monthly mileage for May: 56km (monthly target 400km)
Sunday, May 3, 2009
Today was the next day after night duty(NDND?).
This is my important problem how to use NDND.
Of course tired, running on NDND seems bad for health?, anyway sleepy.....
But I have much time on NDND, can go so far (f.e near mountains).
Do my best on NDND!
Today's training: 8km jog
monthly mileage for May: 30km (monthly target 400km)
Saturday, May 2, 2009
getting hot
The season of trailrun has already began.
I want to go to mountanins for trailrun.
Today's training: 8km jog & 2km walk
monthly mileage for May: 22km (monthly target 400km)
Friday, May 1, 2009
target 400km
I will run 400km in this month.
I will.....
Today's training: 12km run & 2km jog
monthly mileage for May: 12km (monthly target 400km)