Although I hardly did speed tranining such as pace run, interval or build up running, I could achieve the target distance "300km".
Next month the target is 400km!
Today's training: 14km jog
Monthly mileage for September: 329km(monthly target 300km)
Tuesday, September 30, 2008
I could achieve my target this month!
Sunday, September 28, 2008
slow day
I could spend a very slow life today.
Cosmoses,one of the most famous flower in autumn. I like them, but I love lilies better.
Takenoko-Park. I enjoyed some instruments in the park with my daughter.
Today's training: 6km pace run , 5km walk & 5km jog
Monthly mileage for September: 315km(monthly target 300km)
Saturday, September 27, 2008
sports meeting
A sports meeting was held at my daughter's elementary school.
It was so fine and cool , best weather for sports and cheering.
There should be many kinds of competetions like a 50m race, but some entertainments like dancing,apparatus gymnastics and so on also were very important events.
We could enjoy the meeting so much.
A 50m dash! The first prize she got!!!!(Last year 5th...the last.)
A team event. フラフープで”わ、輪、和”
Today's training: 10km run & 2km walk
Monthly mileage for September: 299km(monthly target 300km)
elementary school
Thursday, September 25, 2008
Before winter
In autumn we can enjoy many kinds of flowers as we can in summer.
I like autumn best (when it is autumn...! I like winter best when it is winter!)
Lycoris radiata、that has so many names, 彼岸花、曼珠沙華、死人花(しびとばな)、地獄花(じごくばな)、幽霊花(ゆうれいばな)、剃刀花(かみそりばな)、狐花(きつねばな)、はっかけばばあと
Today's training: 5km walk & 5km jog
Monthly mileage for September: 287km(monthly target 300km)
Tuesday, September 23, 2008
Blue sky in autumn and chestnutsくん達
Nowadays we could find little autumn here and there!
Along the green road there are chestnuts trees and we can see a lot of chestnuts case.
Anyway it is getting cooler and cooler and becomes more comfortable to run.
The best season for run has come!
I want to get them.....
I could see a fantastic red sky!
Today's training: 6km walk in the morning, 5km walk & 5km jog at night
Monthly mileage for September: 277km(monthly target 300km)
Monday, September 22, 2008
Next target
My next target is full marathon. It's Tukuba marathon.
Last March I ran my first full marathon and couldn't finish within three hours.
So I have to challenge again.
1. I will run as much as possible.
2. I will do much speed training such as pace run and interval. more than once a week
Today's training: 3km walk & 5km jog
Monthly mileage for September: 261km(monthly target 300km)
Sunday, September 21, 2008
巨峰の丘マラソン”Marathon around grape hills”
This was the third times I took part in the marathon around grape hills.
It was so nice that we could eat grapes as much as we like.
But the course was very hard, so many uphills and downhills.
It was cloudy and the best condition for run!
My cheering party!
This was the reward for participants. And we could eat another grapes.
A souvenir (ピオーネ、翠峯、ロザリオ、甲斐路!!)
Today's training: 20km run(race 1:19:31) & 2km jog
Monthly mileage for September: 253km(monthly target 300km)
Saturday, September 20, 2008
Drinking week....
In this week I had three drinking parties and so I couldn't run at all .
And more I was sick almost everyday..... the worst condition...
But I could run today! I can run for the tomorrow's race refreshly.
Now I will leave for "巨峰の丘マラソン".
Today's training: 6km run(pace run 4~4:30/km & 2km jog
Monthly mileage for September: 231km(monthly target 300km)
Monday, September 15, 2008
New shoes!
I bought two pair of running shoes after a long interval.
One is for trainig with good cushion and the other is for race which is very light.
Today's training: 6km walk in the morning, 16km jog & 2km walk at night
Monthly mileage for September: 223km(monthly target 300km)
Sunday, September 14, 2008
Run, run and walk!
I can find time to run anytime,anywhere.
But I have to find the time to prepare for my presentation of the next congress....
Today's training: 18km run(build up 7 min/km -up-up-4 min/km) and 2km walk
Monthly mileage for September: 199km(monthly target 300km)
Saturday, September 13, 2008
It was the one of the best thing that I could see the beautiful sunrise.
Today's training: 6km walk in the morning
Monthly mileage for September: 179km(monthly target 300km)
Friday, September 12, 2008
Running season has come here!
It is getting cooler and cooler and more suitable for runnig.
My next target is Tukuba marathon ( full marathon) on 30th November.
I will do more speed training and pace run (although I hate it... ).
Today's training: 21km run(pace run!) & 2km walk
Monthly mileage for September: 173km(monthly target 300km)
Wednesday, September 10, 2008
Off =
Off means just walking!
Today's training: 5km walk & jog in the morning
Monthly mileage for September: 150km(monthly target 300km)
Tuesday, September 9, 2008
A little tired...
There is something wrong with my leg ligament.
Today's training: 5km walk in the morning & 3km walk at night
Monthly mileage for September: 145km(monthly target 300km)
Monday, September 8, 2008
Sunday, September 7, 2008
Anyway walk
I can walk even if I am very tired. Walking relaxes me rather than exhausts!
Today's training: 6km walk in the morning
Monthly mileage for September: 119km(monthly target 300km)
Saturday, September 6, 2008
The first day of 39 years old
Today is the first day of my 39 years old.
The first day is the most important day as you know, so I did LSD although I felt my body very heavy.
While running I met many people, two runner I have knows and one person who was cyclist. Everyone is doing his best. I will also do my best of course!
Anyway a birthday present for me was suit. It is very cool!! But I am ... with it....?
Today's training: 37km LSD & 2km walk
Monthly mileage for September: 113km(monthly target 300km)
Friday, September 5, 2008
I'm a morning runner!
Of course very sleepy, but I wish I could run in the morning.
I have changed!?
Today's training: 6km walk & 2km jog in the morning and 9km walk in the evening
Monthly mileage for September: 74km(monthly target 300km)
Thursday, September 4, 2008
I am not what used to be till last month
When I jumped out of my house to run, it began to rain cats ans dogs. If I was what used to be, I gave up running. But I have changed!!!?
I climbed up the steps of my apartment building. It's a good training for trail-run.
Today's training: 4km jog & climb steps(from second to twelve floors x 11 )
about 10km
Monthly mileage for September: 57km(monthly target 300km)
Wednesday, September 3, 2008
everyday is the precious day.
Anyway I will be stick to total mileage in this month!
Today's training: 8km jog in the morning
Monthly mileage for September: 47km(monthly target 300km)
Tuesday, September 2, 2008
Monday, September 1, 2008
Last 30s years old
It's September now. From this month my last year of 30s has began!
I have been enjoying my life fully, so I should do my duty samely as much as that I enjoy.
Today's training: 16km run
Monthly mileage for September: 16km(monthly target 300km )