I was not a Ganbaripapa in this month.
Next month I will be!
Today's training: 6km jog in the morning
Monthly mileage for August: 148km(monthly target 200km )
Sunday, August 31, 2008
Saturday, August 30, 2008
Sightseeing in Tokyo
I changed the plan from Ontake race to Sightseeing in Tokyo because of my mess!!!?
At first we ate lunch at the top of Koutuukaikan from where we can see around the Tokyo sation and Marunouchi. It goes around 360°in 80 minutes.
We can see the Tokyo station from sky!
Next we went to the 相田みつを museum.
I love the word "一生勉強 一生青春"
There were many words that impressed us.
The main event was a mini bus trip. The bus was "sky bus" which has no roof!!
国会議事堂、the Diet Building.
It had no sooner began to rain than we got out of the bus! How lucky we were!
Today's training: 8km jog in the morning and 10km run, 2km jog in the evening
Monthly mileage for August: 142km(monthly target 200km )
Friday, August 29, 2008
I had made a big mess!!
I mistook the date of the race. I thought it was on 30th Saturday, but the exact day was on 31st Sunday!!!!
I will have a day-night duty on 31st so I can't take part in the race...
Today's training: 8km jog
Monthly mileage for August: 122km(monthly target 200km )
Wednesday, August 27, 2008
A new running life!
I will restart again!?
I'm not sure how many times I will restart....
But it was true that I ran in the morning today after a very long interval!
Although at this weekend I'll have a race " Ontake sky race 35km", I have no preparation for it. So I will run the race as a training and It will be the first step of the new running life!!
The exit of the lazy life!
Today's training: 6km jog in the morning & 15km run at night
Monthly mileage for August: 114km(monthly target 200km )
Tuesday, August 26, 2008
Mt. Fuji climbing record
This was the fourth time that I climbed Mt. Fuji in this year. But it was the first time to climb it with friends. This time the member was 6 including me and three of them were clearly short of exercise!
I was afraid we couldn't reach the top. I was deeply impressed that the most important thing was to come back safely. To tell the truth, I had NEVER thought we could reach the top.
It was rainy but no windy, so we decided to start. There were many other climbers.
Rainy→slippy, but so cool→→chilly...
On the way to the top it began to rain so hard that I had to decide to stop the climbing. But while resting the rain had stopped!
I was very impressed that we all could reach the top! It was the hardest day in my life!?? This time was fantastically harder than that time when I climbed alone.
A sea of clouds.
After finishing the mountaineering, it had gotten fine for a while(for a few minutes). The spectacle view blowed out our tiredness.
Yesterday's training: 1okm (very about)
Monthly mileage for August: 93km(monthly target 200km )
Mt Fuji
Monday, August 25, 2008
Friday, August 22, 2008
I couldn't have a mind to run....
It is getting cooler and cooler and getting more pleasant to run.
But I couldn't have a mind.....
Yesterday's training: 12km jog
Monthly mileage for August: 83km(monthly target 200km )
Tuesday, August 19, 2008
Mt. Takao beer garden
Run,walk,hike and drink a plenty of beer.
Today's training: 10km run & 5km hiking at Mt.Takao
Monthly mileage for August: 71km(monthly target 200km )
Saturday, August 16, 2008
Restart again!!
I wrote my blog after a few days interval. Last week I had an operation on my eyes. It was Lasik which was for shortsighted. It was successful and I could see far away enough with unaided vision.
So I couldn't run at all for a week.... But from today I will run and run.
It is called "切り株更新" which means that a new tree grows on the old tree.
From today I will be quite another man!!!??
Today's training: 10km run & 2km walk
Monthly mileage for August: 56km(monthly target 200km )
Friday, August 8, 2008
Hard day??
I couldn't get up early in this morning......as I thought.....
Buuuut! I did run in the evening...
Hard days have still continued.
Today's training: 15km run & 2km walk
Monthly mileage for August: 44km(monthly target 200km )
Thursday, August 7, 2008
Hard day? Bad day?
Last night duty was very hard and I couldn't do anything after coming home.
So today was off....
Tired, Hot, Busy... bad days has continued. Maybe the time in Yakushima was so good that after coming to Tokyo I feel much harder....
I should make me shape up! I will run in the morning tomorrow,perhaps,maybe, if I could....
Tuesday, August 5, 2008
In Yakushima we enjoyed "nature" itself.
Plenty of rain raises giant trees!
A mossy forest is mysterious!
A root of a big tree which fell down.
We can also enjoy swimming in the sea. This beach is famous for sea turtles.
There are many deers called Yakushika.
There are also many monkeys called Yakuzaru.
They are another monkeys in my house.
And there are many dynamic water fall.
natural sliding sloop in the river!
I enjoyed drinking syouchyuu everynight.
Training in Yakushima 10km+12km+5km=27km
Monday, August 4, 2008
We came back home.
We enjoyed holidays in Yakushima for five days. I will write what we did there tomorrow. Now I will fall a sleep....