I did interval training again. Yes, I did!!
In the next full marathon I'm sure I'll finish the race within three hours...?
Flowers in summer and Fruits in autumn, of course I like autumn!
Today's training: 7km (including interval training)& 3km walk
Monthly mileage for June: 209km
Tuesday, June 24, 2008
I have changed!
Monday, June 23, 2008
Mt.Fuji (first time in this year)
This is the point I started. "馬返 Umagaeshi" means they couldn't ride horses from this point.
It was raining, so I should watch out my steps not to slip.
It was so chilly. There were stil a lot of snow, and I couldn't climb up to the top.
Next time I wish I could go to the top.
Today's training: 17km (Mt.Fuji trail)
Monthly mileage for June: 199km
Mt Fuji
Sunday, June 22, 2008
getting excited!
Tomorrow I will climb the Mout. Fuji first time in this year. Perhaps there will be still much snow on the top, so I hope I can climb up the 8合目(3352m).
Although it will rain tomorrow , but no problem!
Friday, June 20, 2008
There is a farewell party tonight. I'm very sorry that many staffs resign one after another.
Maybe the reason is that working in the ICU is hard for both physical and mental.
Thursday, June 19, 2008
This weekend and the next weekend I have to work and can't go trail at all. So I took a holiday today.
I went to Kitatanzawa to see the course of the Kitatanzawa endurance race.
According to the wetherforecast it would rain but it was so nice day to run because it was cloudy and cool.
Nowadays I feel keenly that I am short of training.
There were many moutain azalea .
In Tanzawa there are many leeches. You should watch out. The best way to avoid them is not to stop at all and run faster!
Today's training: 35km (trail)
Monthly mileage for June: 182km
trail run
Wednesday, June 18, 2008
I have to make a schedule for my training, because I always avoid speed training....
I have to remember the one of my target " finish the full marathon within 3 hours".
Today's training: 7km (interval training)
Monthly mileage for June: 147km
Sunday, June 15, 2008
14th June
We dropped in Mt. Fuji on the way to Saiko.
I ran from 中の茶屋 to 馬返し which is the most important point of the first latter(road part) of the Mt. Fuji climbing race.
There were many runners who would participate in the race. I felt a tense atmosphere when I came to Mt. Fuji. I like it.
Today's training: 4km run (climbing up)
15th June
I participated in Saiko road race. But the main event of my family was the picking cherry after the race.
It was 20.5km, so the speed was the very important element. It was the last one I like....
It was so fine that we could enjoy food and sweets under the sun shine!
After the race we went to the cherry farm and enjoyed the picking the cherry. They said in this year it was a bad harvest. So I had to climb up to the very high point to pick the cherry.
Can you see me? On the top of the ladder!
We enjoyed the sweet cherry more because it was hard to pick them.
Today's training: 20.5km race & 6km conditioning
Monthly mileage for June: 140km
Wednesday, June 11, 2008
Last 4 days to Saiko road race(20.5km)
Tuesday, June 10, 2008
a dreadful case
A frightening event happened in Akihabara.It is very popular town where everyone has ever visited. You can see many opinion in each newspaper, on TV. As for me, I was very impressed that ICU of 東京医科歯科大学 managed three seriously injured patients, because the noon of Sunday is the time that there are few staffs in the hospital.
Sunday, June 8, 2008
the congress of japanese society of emergency medicine
I made a presentation about " Monster Patient" which is japanese English and means the patients who make unreasonable claim.
We talked about violence in the hospital and discussed how to make our environment safe.
And more, there were many interesting subjects. たらいまわし、1次、2次、3次救急医療の崩壊、medical control, and so on.
Today's training: 15km run
Monthly mileage for June: 93km
Saturday, June 7, 2008
the congress of japanese society of emergency medicine
I'll write about the congree tomorrow, because I have a lot of things to do for preparing for tomorrow's presentation.
I want more time.....
Today's training: 14km run
Monthly mileage for June: 78km
Friday, June 6, 2008
The season of hydrangea
There are a lot of hydrangea along the Green road. The flower of hydrangea are coming out now. They are presents of the rainy season.
The Saiko Road race is coming soon, so I have to do speed training....
Today's training: 6km pace run
Monthly mileage for June: 64km
Wednesday, June 4, 2008
A new machine has come to my home!
Last weekend we went to a electrical store. Our washing machine which we bought five years ago has made a big sound in these day and the sound is getting louder.
Maybe a washing machine with a drying machine is easy to go wrong, but the function(washing and drying in the same machine) is so convenient that in this time we chose it! In addition, the new machine can wash something by ozone!!!
I immediately used the "ozone" to clean up the knee supporters after running.
They didn't smell at all after only 10 minutes cleaning! So impressed!!
The design is very simple, it's good!
Today's training: 15km run
Monthly mileage for June: 58km
washing machine
Sunday, June 1, 2008
Kitatanzawa endurance race
I ran through the whole Kitatanzawa endurance race.
The first half of the course is mainly along the river. It was rain yesterday so the path was very rough and one of the bridge was broken and carried away!
A pretty school at the foot of a mountain
You can find a monkey with yellow foot in the mountain!
Because of the yesterday's rain, there was a plenty of water in the mountain.
A pleasant trail run ( to tell the truth,it was too hard to say so....)
Today's training: 43km trail run
Monthly mileage for June: 43km