Monday, August 30, 2010

hot trail

I started from Ashigakubo and ran to the Komma station and then walded to Miyazawa Lake where there is a nice Onsen.
It was very hot and I had to drink so much water. All water had changed to my sweat and dropped away from my body.

Today's training: 35km trail & 6km walk
Monthly mileage for August: 321km

Sunday, August 29, 2010

the day for movie

Yesterday's training: 9km in the morning
Today's training: 6km run with fivefingers
Monthly mileage for August: 280km

Friday, August 27, 2010

24: 15km Mt.Fuji climbing & 4km walk
25: 7km jog in the morning
26: 15km trail & 5km walk
Today's training: 9km jog in the morning & 8km run with fivefingers
Monthly mileage for August: 265km

Monday, August 23, 2010

Today's training: 9km jog in the morning
Monthly mileage for August: 202km

Sunday, August 22, 2010

preparation for a disaster

We changed the water which we prepared for a disaster!
In Japan many people were suffering from heavy rain and many landslide in the south part nowadays. In the other hand in Tokyo we have no disaster in these days.
It is the red signal and we have to prepare for it everyday!

We have also water for drink except for these water!
Today's training: 6km run with fivefingers & 14km run
Monthly mileage for August: 193km

Saturday, August 21, 2010

Mt. Takao hiking

Today! We went to Mt. Takao to drink!? not to climb !?
We have already known that it would be very crowded so had started a little early.
We started from Keio Takaosanguti station and climbed Mt. Takao and Momijidai, and then were in hurry to the Beer Mount Takao!
There were already about 250 people although there were still 30 minutes before open.

My daughters looked easier to climb it than before(last year).

Good beer and food after good excercise!
Today's training: 10km family hiking & 6km run with fivefingers
Monthly mileage for August: 173km

Friday, August 20, 2010

18th’s training: 8km jog & 3km walk
Today's training: 9km jog in the morning & 6km run/walk with fivefingers
Monthly mileage for August: 157km

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

muscle pain with fivefingers

I ran six kilometer with fivefingers. I felt as if I began to do jogging!
I felt muscle pain in my calf while running, but I could do forefoot running!
It is very exciting!

Today's training: 8km jog in the morning & 6km run with fivefingers
Monthly mileage for August: 131km

Monday, August 16, 2010

Today's training: 9km jog in the morning & 4km jog/walk with fivefingers
Monthly mileage for August: 117km

Sunday, August 15, 2010


I couldn't wake up early because I was in no mode for running. Maybe because of the hot and mumid wheather....
But while preparing for trail I got the mode for trail.
I tried to keep running but I couldn't because it was too hot to run...
I changed the mind----Let's jog and walk, and enjoy hiking!

Today's training: 20km trail + 3km walk with fivefingers
Monthly mileage for August: 104km

Saturday, August 14, 2010

Five fingers!

After I read " born to run", I want to try barefooting.
After night duty, I went to buy it and get it!
I felt a little pain with my thum, but barefoot running is very exciting!
Let's run with it but shouldn't run too much at first.

Yesterday's training: 8km jog in the morning
Today's training: 5km jog
Monthly mileage for August: 81km

Thursday, August 12, 2010

Today's training: 8km jog in the morning & 9km run at night
Monthly mileage for August: 68km

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

7.Saturday: 9km jog
9.Monday : 19km run
Today's training: 9km jog in the morning
Monthly mileage for August: 51km

Friday, August 6, 2010

Getting better

I had a cold but I was just on holiday 4 and 5 August.
So I could get recovery fully!
My daughters are out from 4 August and are now enjoying "Summer Camp" .
They make their own house made with log and get vegetable by theirselves and cook them by theirselves. Maybe they will come back home after having gotten bigger and
more confident!

Today's training: 9km jog in the morning & 5km run
Monthly mileage for August: 14km

Monday, August 2, 2010


I caught a cold. And night duty made me much worse.
I will take a rest a few days...