I can't do LSD. I can't have an enough time to do LSD.
....I wonder whether I have a mind to run enough or not.
Today's training: 6km jog in the morning & 20km run after work
monthly mileage for December 297km
Tuesday, December 28, 2010
Friday, December 24, 2010
First Skiing in this season
I went skiing at Kagura in Niigata Pref. It snowed very much and was very windy.
This was the first step and I will exercise much in this season!
Let's start skiing! Where is the target that I will run a full marathon within three hours??? Of course I don't forget it.
Thursday, December 23, 2010
Happy birthday
My older daughter was born just ten years before. We held a birthday party at home.
Today's training: 5km jog in the morning & 5km jog after work
monthly mileage for December 271km
Wednesday, December 22, 2010
heavy foot
Although I felt my foot heavy I could run. It was very surprising and I was very glad that I have been getting my foot suitable for full marathon!
Today's training: 6km jog in the morning & 20km run
monthly mileage for December 261km
Sunday, December 19, 2010
Friday, December 17, 2010
why tired?
I fell a sleep after dinner tonigh. Now I woke up and restarted.
I felt tired a little.
Today's training: 5km jog in the morning
monthly mileage for December 194km
Thursday, December 16, 2010
Monday, December 13, 2010
It was raining and it was very cold rain, but I have many good things forehead!
I am getting better and better in these days.
I will prepare for Tokyo marathon as much as possible.
Today's training: 6km jog in the morning
monthly mileage for December 142km
Sunday, December 12, 2010
Last race in 2010
I ran the last race in 2010 Mt. Mitake race which was short mountaineering race.
It was very fine (It was snow the year before last year), and I could enjoy fully all through the race. Maybe I could study how to keep even pace!?
We walked around Mt. Mitake before the race.
I jumped up from my bed and went to see the sunrise.
Very cheerful cheers! My daughter made friends with the children of the hotel where we stayed in.
Today's training: 15km trail race
monthly mileage for December 136km
Friday, December 10, 2010
one day in December
I went for a drinking party tonight. I will prepare for tomorrow from now...
Today's training: 7km jog in the morning
monthly mileage for December 121km
Tuesday, December 7, 2010
trail run after a very long interval
I went for trail run after a very very long interval. Of course I didn't play hooky from my work. Today I was off because I worked last Sunday(and Saturday.)
There were few people on the trail and I enjoy running fully.
Today's training: 32km trail
monthly mileage for December 114km
Monday, December 6, 2010
Sunday, December 5, 2010
I want
I entried Arakawa 30k race held in January.
In the race there are many pace maker from 4:00/km to 6:00/km.
I entried in the group of 4:00/km pace maker. But my target pace is 4:15/km in the full marathon. I will(have to) do much training of pace run and will be able to run in the pace 4:00/km thorough 30km.
Today's training: 6km jog in the morning & 20km run(4:30~5:00/km)
monthly mileage for December 77km
Saturday, December 4, 2010
The night duty had continued till over two o'clock in the afternoon.
And I couldn't make a time (mind) to run.
Yesterday's training: 8km jog in the morning
monthly mileage for December 51km
Thursday, December 2, 2010
The end of autumn in the Koganei Park
The end of autumn in the Koganei Park
Today's training: 8km jog in the morning & 20km run
monthly mileage for December 43km
Wednesday, December 1, 2010
New month
I will restart my training from today.
I couldn't reach my target in the race but I could keep even pace all the way.
It was very important and it will be a hint for the next race!
Today's training: 15km jog
monthly mileage for December 15km
Tuesday, November 30, 2010
Thursday, November 25, 2010
Last autumn
Wednesday, November 24, 2010
Last four days before Tukuba marathon
Even after a very long night- day-night -day duty, I am in very good conditon.
Let's run pleasantly in the race!
Today's training: 8km slow jog
monthly mileage for November: 251km
Monday, November 22, 2010
There is only five days left before Tukuba full marathon.
I am getting in better and better condition. I'm very looking forward to running the race.
Today's training: 10km jog
monthly mileage for November: 243km
Sunday, November 21, 2010
We celebrated our small daughter who became seven years old.
We Japanese celebrate our daughters when they become three years and seven years old and our sun when they become five years old. It is called 7-5-3.
They like wearing Kimono.
After visiting shrine, they kept wearing Kimono.
Today's training: 10km jog
monthly mileage for November: 233km
Saturday, November 20, 2010
Last LSD
I had a important job that was to take a video of our daughters.
The school of my daughters holds a play made by students in every two years.
The mission that I had to do was to watch and keep them in films.
But only standing with video camera was so heavy duty that I had a terrible pain in my lumbar... It was harder than to run 100km...
She made her cap very excellent!
She sang a song very beautifully!
After enjoying the plays I ran a LSD with my lumbar pain!
Today's training: 32km LSD
monthly mileage for November: 223km
Friday, November 19, 2010
Happy birthday!
MY little daughter is seven years old today. We had a small party at home.
My old daughter made a original card for her. We had a very good time.
And from today I began to run after seven days interval of sick days.
I will make full preparation for the next weekend full marathon.
Today's training: 7km jog in the morning
monthly mileage for November: 191km
Sunday, November 14, 2010
Friday, November 12, 2010
I played tennis with my staffs of my hospital.
Let's play a lot of kinds of sports!
Today's training: 1+1+1.5+1.5
monthly mileage for November: 191km
Thursday, November 11, 2010
Yes! I did it.
After finishing night duty I could take a comfortable nap and then ran a LSD.
I am on a very good condition and I will keep it till the next race.
Yesterday'training: 7km jog in the morning
Today's training: 30km LSD
monthly mileage for November: 186km
Tuesday, November 9, 2010
Monday, November 8, 2010
preparation for defibrillator
Sunday, November 7, 2010
Fussa marathon(10km)
Today was the memorial day that my daughter took part in the first race.
She seemed to enjoy running in the race. It was my pleasure too!
She could keep a good pace!
16 seconds slower than last year..
It was so fine today. She said that she wanted to run a next race!!!
Today's training: 10km race 38:47 +1.5+1.5+6km jog
monthly mileage for November: 114km
Saturday, November 6, 2010
I'm fine.
I have been suffering many pain with my legs. Nowadays I have a pain with my left Achiless tendon. But the pain has gone by icing and I can run with no stress.
I will run 10km race on this weekend. My target is within 38 minutes.
Yesday's training: 9km jog in the morning
monthly mileage for November: 95km
Thursday, November 4, 2010
running course of everyday
I run in the Koganei Park every morning before going to the hospital.
Autumn has been coming in Koganei Park too. I can enjoy colourful trees.
Today's training: 7km jog in the morning& 5km jog at night
monthly mileage for November: 86km
Koganei Park
Wednesday, November 3, 2010
I had a hangover because of last night drink party.I couldn't do anything in the morning and took a nap till noon.
After taking a nap I was getting better and better. Let's go for running!!!
I will do LSD once in a week for Tukuba marathon.
Very fine day. Good day for running!
The autumn has been coming soon!
Yesterday's traning: 9km in the morning
Today's training: 40km jog
monthly mileage for November: 74km
Lake Sayama
Monday, November 1, 2010
From today!
I will restart my running blog & running from today.
I will have a lot of time for doing everything on November.
I will run for a long distance and prepare for the Tukuba full marathon.
And I will restart studying English.....
A present from my daugher(younger) for our wedding aniversary I am on the left side!!!??? What is this....
another present from younger daughter( She has becoming to be a better doll maker than before!?)
A present from older daughter She is very good at making anything!
Today's training: 25km jog
monthly mileage for November: 25km
Friday, October 22, 2010
I am running to my hospital to work with fivefingers!
Today' training: 5+1km
monthly mileage for October: 124km
Wednesday, October 20, 2010
I had pain in my left leg and lumber and I was afraid that I couldn't finish the race. Although many anxiety I could enjoy the race and now I am very comfortable with what I am now.
From now I will prepare for the next race "Tukuba full marathon held in 28 November"
Yesterday's training: 7km jog in the morning
Today' training: 21km 5:00/km
monthly mileage for October: 118km
Sunday, October 17, 2010
Narusawa Half marathon
I ran the first Narusawa half marathon in Yamanashi Pref.
We got heavy rewards for nice run. They were some vegetable made in Narusawa villege. They were very heavy and hard to take home.
Today' training: 21km race
monthly mileage for October: 90km
Saturday, October 16, 2010
Hard day...
I have a race tomorrow. But I have to be on night duty.
Yesterday' training: 9km jog in the morning
monthly mileage for October: 69km
Friday, October 15, 2010
too much
I drank too much because ....
Today' training: 9km jog in the morning& 1km run
monthly mileage for October: 60km
Wednesday, October 13, 2010
Restart from today
I wrote my blog after a long interva.
It was true that I didn't excercize enough and was not in good condition.
But I got the ticket to run the Tokyo marathon in the next year.
I will restart from tomorrow!
monthly mileage for October: 50km
Thursday, September 30, 2010
Wednesday, September 29, 2010
Tuesday, September 28, 2010
Sunday, September 26, 2010
Friday, September 24, 2010
Thursday, September 23, 2010
Five fingers in the rain
Although it was raining hard, running with VFF was very pleasant!
It is getting chilly so be careful not to catch a cold.
Yesterday's training: 10km run in the morning
Today's training: 1+6km run
monthly mileage for September 248km
Tuesday, September 21, 2010
I played tennis after three years interval.
Of course I run enough for keep playing tennis.... but I got very tired after tennis.
To play other sports is very important and interesting for us!
Today's training: 10km run in the morning & 3km jog , tennis!!!
monthly mileage for September 231km
Monday, September 20, 2010
巨峰の丘マラソン Grape marathon
It was the fifth time for me to run the Grape marathon.
There are a lot of grape vine yard around the course.
We can eat as much as we want grape after the race!
It is one of my favorite race in the year.
Yesterday's training: 20km race + 1.5km walk
Today's training: 8km run
monthly mileage for September 218km
Saturday, September 18, 2010
Go to Yamanashi
We are leaving to Yamanashi Pref. to run the race "巨峰の丘マラソン".
There are many up and down slope. But while running we are surrounded by a lot of grape trees.
Yesterday's training: 9km jog in the morning
Today's training: 3km run
monthly mileage for September 188.5km
Wednesday, September 15, 2010
Sunday, September 12, 2010
Thursday, September 9, 2010
Groud cherry
This is ground cherry but we can eat it.
They call it fruit ground cherry, which is very delicious.
Today's training 27km jog & walk with fivefingers!
monthly mileage for September 137km
Wednesday, September 8, 2010
All mountains in Yatugatake!
This was my biggest target in this year. I have never climbed up any mountains of Yatugatake.I was afraid that I could climbed all through the mountains in Yatugatake.
But I had to believe myself and my foot.
It was very windy because the typhoon was coming but it was lucky that it didn't rain. I enjoyed spectacle landscapes in the morning.
I love Mt.Fuji.
Mt. Amikasa which was the first mountain of this course.
Mt. Akadake which is the highest mountain in Yatugatake.
Mt. Kitayokodake which was the last but one.
There was only one mountain when I climbed up Mt. Kitayokodake.
And last mountain was Mt.Tateshinayama. I was so excited that I would be finishing the almost all mountain in Yatugatake..... But I missed the course to go to Mt. Tateshinayama at last.... I was very sorry about it and then I could get the next target in the next year. Rechallenge!
Yesterday's training: 33km mountaineering & 6km jog
Today's training 10km walk
monthly mileage for September 110km
Monday, September 6, 2010
Happy birthday!
To me!? I am fory-one years old from today.
But now All I am wondering is tomorrow's mountaineering.
I have just finished preparing for it.
I'm so excited!!!
Yesterday's training: 15km walk
Today's training 5km jog in the morning & 7km run
monthly mileage for September 61km
Saturday, September 4, 2010
Thursday, September 2, 2010
All mountains in Yatugatake
I have a plan in the next week.
I will run and walk through all mountains(eight?) in Yatugatake in one day.
The weather will be fine!
Today's training: 7km jog in the morning & 10km run with fivefingers
monthly mileage for September 22km
Wednesday, September 1, 2010
Five fingers KSO
Monday, August 30, 2010
hot trail
I started from Ashigakubo and ran to the Komma station and then walded to Miyazawa Lake where there is a nice Onsen.
It was very hot and I had to drink so much water. All water had changed to my sweat and dropped away from my body.
Today's training: 35km trail & 6km walk
Monthly mileage for August: 321km
Sunday, August 29, 2010
the day for movie
Yesterday's training: 9km in the morning
Today's training: 6km run with fivefingers
Monthly mileage for August: 280km
Friday, August 27, 2010
Monday, August 23, 2010
Sunday, August 22, 2010
preparation for a disaster
We changed the water which we prepared for a disaster!
In Japan many people were suffering from heavy rain and many landslide in the south part nowadays. In the other hand in Tokyo we have no disaster in these days.
It is the red signal and we have to prepare for it everyday!
We have also water for drink except for these water!
Today's training: 6km run with fivefingers & 14km run
Monthly mileage for August: 193km
Saturday, August 21, 2010
Mt. Takao hiking
Today! We went to Mt. Takao to drink!? not to climb !?
We have already known that it would be very crowded so had started a little early.
We started from Keio Takaosanguti station and climbed Mt. Takao and Momijidai, and then were in hurry to the Beer Mount Takao!
There were already about 250 people although there were still 30 minutes before open.
My daughters looked easier to climb it than before(last year).
Good beer and food after good excercise!
Today's training: 10km family hiking & 6km run with fivefingers
Monthly mileage for August: 173km
Friday, August 20, 2010
Tuesday, August 17, 2010
muscle pain with fivefingers
I ran six kilometer with fivefingers. I felt as if I began to do jogging!
I felt muscle pain in my calf while running, but I could do forefoot running!
It is very exciting!
Today's training: 8km jog in the morning & 6km run with fivefingers
Monthly mileage for August: 131km
Monday, August 16, 2010
Sunday, August 15, 2010
I couldn't wake up early because I was in no mode for running. Maybe because of the hot and mumid wheather....
But while preparing for trail I got the mode for trail.
I tried to keep running but I couldn't because it was too hot to run...
I changed the mind----Let's jog and walk, and enjoy hiking!
Today's training: 20km trail + 3km walk with fivefingers
Monthly mileage for August: 104km
Saturday, August 14, 2010
Five fingers!
After I read " born to run", I want to try barefooting.
After night duty, I went to buy it and get it!
I felt a little pain with my thum, but barefoot running is very exciting!
Let's run with it but shouldn't run too much at first.
Yesterday's training: 8km jog in the morning
Today's training: 5km jog
Monthly mileage for August: 81km
Thursday, August 12, 2010
Tuesday, August 10, 2010
Friday, August 6, 2010
Getting better
I had a cold but I was just on holiday 4 and 5 August.
So I could get recovery fully!
My daughters are out from 4 August and are now enjoying "Summer Camp" .
They make their own house made with log and get vegetable by theirselves and cook them by theirselves. Maybe they will come back home after having gotten bigger and
more confident!
Today's training: 9km jog in the morning & 5km run
Monthly mileage for August: 14km
Monday, August 2, 2010
Friday, July 30, 2010
Wednesday, July 28, 2010
Tuesday, July 27, 2010
Ome trail course
I had run Ome trail course in the Takamizu trail race, but this was the first time to run there as a training.
It was very near from Ome station and there are enough up and down.
It is very good course for training! But it was terriblly hot today and I couldn't run as I wanted to.
The goal was Kabe-onsen and I presented myself a big glass of beer for a good job?!
Yesterday's training: 9km jog in the morning
Today's training: 24km trail & jog
Monthly mileage for July: 313km
Sunday, July 25, 2010
Next target!
I have no race till September.
I have a plan for this summer. I want to run throuh all Yatugatake.
Let's go to the mountains!
Today's training: 12km run & 3km walk
Monthly mileage for July: 280km
Saturday, July 24, 2010
Mt. Fuji climbing race & Fuji safari Park
We went to Mt. Fuji for three days.
The race was held 23 July (the forth Friday on July every year).
We prayed for the safey of the race at Zero step Umagaeshi.
It was so fine and we could see the goal " the top of Mt. Fuji"
I felt good before start but while running I felt nausea and at last I vomitted at third steps. I wondered whether I should keep running or not...
My cheers! Thanks for the great cheers!!
I could recovery from this point!
Next day we went to Fuji safari Park. Of course we can enjoy the Safari from the car but we can enjoy on foot too!
It was so hot that all beasts were suffering from summer heat!
training: 21km Mt.Fuji climbing race & 5km descending route, 2km up
Monthly mileage for July: 265km